MoDo has one good paragraph in her column today:
Maureen Dowd: Old School Inanity:
Fred Thompson acts tough on screen. And like Ronald Reagan, he has a uniquely masculine timbre and an extremely involved wife.
Fred is not Ronnie; he’s warmed-over W. President Reagan always knew who the foe was
namely, this one:
Republicans are especially eager for a papa after their disappointing experiences with Junior. After going through so many shattering disasters, W. seems more the inexperienced kid than ever.
In Australia, the president called Australian soldiers in Iraq “Austrian troops,” and got into a weird to-and-fro on TV with the South Korean president.
W. cooperated with Robert Draper, the author of a new biography of him, yet the portrait was not flattering. Like a frat president sitting around with the brothers trying to figure out whether to party with Tri-Delts or Thetas, W. asked his advisers for a show of hands last year to see if Rummy should stay on. And W. is obsessed with getting the Secret Service to arrange his biking trails.
“What kind of male,” one of his advisers wondered aloud, “obsesses over his bike riding time, other than Lance Armstrong or a 12-year-old boy?”
Technorati Tags: 2008_election, Dowd, Republicans, Shrub