Demonization continues

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We knew this would happen (slow, gradual demonization of S. div. , just like cannabis, just like LSD, yadda yadda.) I've read several scary media stories which use phrases like 'dangerous', and 'suicide', even though these phrases are unwarranted. Soon Congress will be holding hearings, with some puritan who never even tried S. div. fulminating about the demon herb.

Did you know your teenager can legally buy a drug whose effects have been compared to LSD? It’s called salvia and it’s very dangerous.

Even seasoned drug users have called salvia “too intense” and “scary.” In fact a teenager’s suicide in Delaware is being blamed on the herb. So the Investigators went undercover to show you how easy it is to buy salvia.
[From The Dangers of Salvia || | WXYZ-TV / Detroit | Detroit News, Weather, Sports and More ]

We've discussed the matter a few times:
What a frackin crocko
Salvia Divinorum
and probably more.

Don't forget - you are a child, and cannot be trusted to make decisions about your own health. Only over-paid pharmaceutical reps (and their Congressional domesticated critters) are allowed to tell you what chemicals are acceptable to ingest.

1 Comment

This time your ping showed. What I know is that the LSD dropped in the 60s and 70s was many times more potent than that dropped now. I also know M. Clinton is beloved in France while reviled by hypocrites here.
What is a child? Jerry Lee Lewis had sex with his young teenage cousin.Drugs have been used for millenniums. I wish I could keep my child a healthy mind in a healthy body, but that is impossible. So, I hope for the best. Demonizing, sermonizing, nothing works better than a child's own discretion. Unless s/he is an addict. But that precedes our millennium.

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This page contains a single entry by swanksalot published on October 23, 2007 1:37 PM.

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