Sad isn't it? The federal government has so many more resources available than states, yet Bush/Cheney would prefer to let their Exxon Mobil cronies set policy.
On Wednesday, Gov. Eliot Spitzer’s administration is to issue regulations requiring power plants to pay for their greenhouse gas emissions, part of a broader plan among 10 Northeastern states, known as the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, to move beyond federal regulators in Washington and regulate such emissions on their own.
“I believe that states have to step into a void created by a failure of federal action,” Mr. Spitzer said in an interview on Tuesday. “The global warming issue is one where the current administration has first denied the scientific evidence and only recently begun to discuss the matter in a serious way.”
[From States Set to Sue the U.S. Over Greenhouse Gases - New York Times]
parenthetic complaint: how hard would it have been for the so-called paper of record (and Danny Hakim) to list the states involved in the lawsuit? A few are named (New York, California, Massachusetts), but never all of them. Instead Mr. Hakim uses weasel phrases like: more than a dozen, other states, a number of other states, and even the old favorite, multistate effort.