cool. Maybe I'll figure out how to budget for this.
I have new-found respect for Dirk Nowitzki after reading this piece. Plus, I want to go camping now.
"Seth Anderson's "raindrop porn" (heh) " or rain pr0n. Slightly color altered in Photoshop.
Sliwinski only gets 8 years. Not enough, by a long shot.
Hmmm, I'll admit to being somewhat intrigued by this group, but that's a lot of photos of me. One a week seems like enough.
"he instead sang 'Mila kura si planina' which can be interpreted as 'My dear, my penis is a mountain'."
For some reason my interpretation of 365 was that /any/ photo be taken, not portraits. I'm not sure why I thought this.
365 portraits of my face would not be fun. But trying to make sure I get one photo every day has seemed interesting. I've just been too lazy to do anything about it. :)
Er, that should be 365 photos of my face.