I've noticed that several of this webzine's regulars have not gone through the extra step of registration. I know, I know, one more registration, bleh, there are already so many websites that require registration that you probably don't even remember all the pages you have registered at. Nevertheless, there are benefits to registration at MT 4.0-based websites like B12's Solipsism. Here's what SixApart notes are the possibilities:
And then there's the part that's completely new: Real social media profiles, for every member of your site. Naturally, members can customize their names and profile pictures, but it doesn't stop there -- profiles show the blog posts you've written, the forum topics you've started, the comments you've left on any part of the site, the threads or posts you've marked as favorites, and the conversations that started as a result of your contributions. Think about it: Your profile is your resume in the community. If every comment you've contributed gets lots of positive replies from the community, a site administrator can use MT4's built-in permissions to promote you to a blog author, or even to an administrator. [From Movable Type: The Communities That Web 2.0 Forgot]
Also, if you are a registered user, your comments automatically publish without interference from me. I trust you implicitly not to publish comments that are just links to airline ticket websites or the like (still receive about 3,000 of these every ten days: probably from skeezy people selling so-called 'search engine optimization'.
Of course, you don't have to register, you could just use your Typekey registration (though you don't get quite as many options) or Live Journal etc, or not register at all, and use the somewhat misnamed "comment anonymously" (misnamed because you don't have to be anonymous if you don't want).
Or you could continue to do what most of you do – leave me hanging and never comment at all. Ahem...