"The Yage Letters Redux" (William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Oliver Harris)
I'd been meaning to read this book for a while, and Nyarlathotep's brief review finally trigged my purchase.
City Lights Books (2006), Paperback, 127 pages [From The Yage Letters Redux by William Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, Oliver Harris]
Actually, this is looks to be a better edition than the original City Lights 1963 print, as Oliver Harris written a long, contextual prologue, and assembled another 40 odd pages of Notes and Appendices. Having recently finished Daniel Pinchbeck's exploration of similar experiences, I'm interested in primary sources. I don't think my mind is strong enough at the moment to embark on a grand tour of inner space, I'll have to satisfy myself with reading the reports of others.