Cracked Blind Shaft

"Blind Shaft" (Yang Li)

Received a damaged disc from Netflix, which does happen occasionally. Reported it, sent it back, and received the exact same disc again. At least it sure seemed like the same disc - cracked in same three places. This time, am waiting until I receive a replacement before I send back the cracked version.

True loyalty has no place in the hearts of criminals, especially two back-stabbing Chinese mobsters, Yi Xiang Li (Qiang Li) and Yuan Fengmin (Baoqiang Wang), who aren't afraid to turn on their own bosses in the name of greed and envy. Soon, however, they find that performing their misdeeds is one thing, but getting away with them is another business altogether. Although one decides to change his ways, trouble looms for both. [From Netflix: Blind Shaft]
Netflix Cracked

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