Would hate to answer the phone at the corporate office for Putzmeister Incorporated.
Would hate to answer the phone at the corporate office for Putzmeister Incorporated.
This page contains a single entry by swanksalot published on December 21, 2007 11:45 AM.
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I would hate to pump concrete for a living. But, hey, those yellow boots are cool...
"Putz-mei-ster In-cor-por-ray-ted, how may I di-rect your call?"
It would take practice, but probably after a few weeks I could do it without laughing.
It's almost as bad as the 3 partner, 10 syllable law firm I worked for once, which wasn't as funny as Putzmeister Incorporated, by a long shot. Ug.
Oops, sorry Seth, double post, please delete one, thanks!