Quest for Glory

Quest for Glory

[where: Chicago, IL 60601 ]

(click to embiggen)

ecto added a Flickr helper, and a Twitter plug-in, so am testing them. The Flickr helper needs more search options to be useful. If a good search engine is built in, I'd use this feature a lot (would save going to the flickr search page all the time).

Photo from last February (here's all 26 photos), when the temperatures were approaching absolute zero (or nearly), and the Chicago Bears were about to play in the Super Bowl (embarrassingly bad loss ensued). I had a touch of cabin fever, braved the cold and took photos until my iPod battery and my camera battery both conked out from the chill.

(hmmm, the Twitter thing only works if my server connection doesn't flake out, which it seems to do a lot these days. Sometimes 450 seconds isn't enough to complete the request for a new page. I'll have to inquire with to see if there is anything they can do)

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by swanksalot published on January 23, 2008 7:58 AM.

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