I could see fist fights occurring if the Booters are not quick enough to get the boot on before the parking scofflaw returns.
Downtown restaurants and businesses could use the Denver boot to keep intruders out of their parking lots under a crackdown advanced today by a City Council committee.
At the behest of Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd), the License Committee added the marquee ward that includes the Loop, River North and the Gold Coast to the handful of Chicago wards that allow booting on private property.
Small businesses struggling to survive in congested Chicago neighborhoods view booting as a kinder, gentler and less-costly way to handle the chronic problem of parking poachers. It doesn’t require towing, which could damage a car.
Reilly agreed, adding, “It doesn’t force the motorist who’s in violation to travel to remote lots to retrieve towed vehicles. There would be a full-time attendant in the private lot who could remove the boot once the fine is paid. It seemed like an interesting concept. I figured we’d give it a try.”
In 1999, License Committee Chairman Eugene Schulter persuaded the City Council to prohibit private booting amid reports of price-gouging and fisticuffs.
Consumers complained about booters who swarm in for the kill, even if a motorist stops at an ATM to get money to shop at a local store. There were also complaints of booters targeting motorists for “double-shopping” — first at the store with the parking lot, then at a shop down the street.
[From City may give businesses ability to boot cars :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics]

Actually, I'd like to be able to boot people who park in front of my garage (worst culprits are the restaurants across the street)
Sort of seems backwards, doesn't it? I mean, if the spaces are so important, then why are they going to such lengths to prevent cars from leaving?
I got booted at the Dunkin Doughnuts 3-years ago for double shopping. I was gone a total of 20 minutes and it cost me $120.00. I felt like stalking the stalker and beating him.