(K Marks the Spot, not K Street, don't get the two confused)
Pam Spaulding expands a bit on the Clinton lobbyist front. You know, the reason Clinton's campaign couldn't pay small vendors on time
Mark Penn, Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist, would obviously benefit from a Clinton win. One thing he doesn’t have is any vested interest in supporting Obama as the Democratic nominee against John McCain. Take a look at this:
Hillary Clinton’s chief strategist is Mark Penn, and Charlie Black, John McCain’s top adviser, is chairman of BKSH, the DC-based lobbying subsidiary of Burson-Marsteller — of which Mark Penn is CEO.
Yes, this is the same lobbyist Barack Obama was referring to when he criticized John McCain for allowing lobbyists to conduct their business on board his bus.BKSH is a bipartisan lobbying firm. Black, the chairman is the top Republican. The top Democrat is R. Scott Pastrick, who like Penn, supports Hillary Clinton.
Mark Penn’s personal interests would clearly be best served by a Hillary Clinton victory.
A McCain presidency wouldn’t be a bad consolation prize, however. It would be far better to have the head of his lobbying be tight with the president than to have a president like Obama who sought to impose new restrictions on his lobbyist operation.
[Click to read more of Pandagon :: Million-dollar Mark Penn’s real campaign allegiances - and that Obama photo :: February :: 2008]
The ironic part of the tale is that Ms. Clinton isn't spending her money well: Mark Penn isn't exactly a proven primary winner.