Remind me to never live in Virginia Beach.
The police in Virginia Beach plan to drop a misdemeanor obscenity charge filed against the manager of an Abercrombie & Fitch clothing store that displayed two photos of scantily clad men and a woman, a city attorney said. The police said they confiscated the photos from the Lynnhaven Mall store on Saturday after some customers complained and Abercrombie management did not heed warnings to remove the images of three shirtless young men, with one man’s upper buttocks showing, and of a woman whose breast was mostly exposed. Deputy City Attorney Mark Stiles said the photos might technically meet the nudity portion of city code. But he said it would be difficult to meet the other standards of the law: that the display had to appeal to prurient interests, lack redeeming artistic merit and be offensive to prevailing community standards. [From National Briefing | SOUTH: Virginia: Police to Drop Obscenity Charge]
On the other hand, one could argue that crime is so low in Virginia Beach, police have extra time to devote to pointless investigations of partially exposed breasts in store windows.