Clinton Whopper

Politicians lie, that assertion goes unchallenged as fact. However, Senator Clinton's false memory syndrome excuse is pretty lame. If you've ever been shot at by snipers, you don't forget the event. Claiming you misspoke after you are exposed is ridiculous, just 'fess up - you lied. A few weeks ago, Senator Clinton was criticized for fluffing up her international experience, how does she react? By fluffing her experiences to near-parody dimensions. Not a wise choice, especially for such a high profile event.

David Corn has more re:

the whopper that Hillary Clinton has been telling about a trip she took to Bosnia in 1996. Days ago, she described the visit this way:

I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base.
The "Factchecker" column of The Washington Post examined this claim on Friday--and showed it to be an outright falsehood. As in completely made up. As in a lie?

The problem is, the trip was covered by dozens of reporters, including the Post's John Pomfret, and none of them saw anything like Clinton reported

[From Clinton Tops Obama in Whoppers - David Corn ]

YouTube of the claim, watch her eyes as she starts to lie

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