George Bush's cronies just want to run out the clock, do nothing in other words, and go home to their million dollar homes, and wait for the rapture. Wouldn't it be cool if conservatives believed in conserving our planet? Maybe in an alternative universe.
Rep. Ed Markey (D., Mass.), chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, said the agency is "intent on running out the clock" without taking action before the Bush administration leaves office in January.
Frank O'Donnell, of Washington-based advocacy group Clean Air Watch, said Mr. Johnson's decision looked like a delaying tactic. "Unfortunately, this plan appears to put EPA's response on a very slow track," Mr. O'Donnell said, adding that "any real action is likely to come in the next administration."
[From EPA Delays CO2 Ruling, Angering Bush Critics - WSJ.com]
Also, making plants more efficient would seem to be a good thing, a competitive advantage, so why do energy companies fight progress so vehemently?
[where: Fisk Generating Station at 1111 W. Cermak, Chicago IL]