Primary Season Marches On

Meh, I had hoped the primary season would have ended tonight with an Obama win - I'm quite tired of the never-ending election already. Oh well, at least another seven weeks of he said she said. Not to mention McCain is now able to remain out of the fray, and replenish his campaign coffers.

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s victories over Barack Obama in Ohio and Texas gave her a chance to soldier on. John McCain claimed the G.O.P. nomination.


The Associated Press reported that all told, Mr. Obama retains his lead in the delegate count, with 1,477 pledged delegates compared to Mrs. Clinton’s 1,391. The A.P. said that 170 delegates from Tuesday’s contests have yet to be assigned, many from the Texas caucuses. [From Big Wins for Clinton in Texas and Ohio; McCain Is In as G.O.P. Choice]

Wake me when it is over - if that ever happens...

McCain and Bush snuggle

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