I am curious as to McCain's response to this, and the response of his presumptive vice-president. She was never a prisoner of war, but still…

"It has often been remarked but seldom remembered that war itself is a crime. Yet a war crime is more and other than war ... It is an act beyond the pale of acceptable actions even in war. Deliberate killing or torturing of prisoners of war is a war crime. Deliberate destruction without military purpose of civilian communities is a war crime."
-- Former infantry platoon leader William Crandell opening the "Winter Soldier Investigation" in Detroit, Jan. 31, 1971More than 100 veterans gathered in a Detroit hotel in early 1971 to talk about things they had seen and done in the Vietnam War. Called the Winter Soldier Investigation, the group spoke about a horrifying array of allegations: convoys driving over civilians; burning of villages; bodies thrown out of helicopters; torture, mutilation and infamous "free-fire zones," where anyone not wearing a U.S. uniform could be killed.
Thirty-seven years later, more than 100 veterans will gather over the next several days for "Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan." The event is designed to be another purging of the horrors of war, and another effort to put American military policy on trial in the public eye. The gathering this time, at the National Labor College outside Washington, D.C., is sponsored by the group Iraq Veterans Against the War. "Soldiers will certainly be testifying about their experience and observation of actions which are absolutely in violation of international law," says IVAW spokesperson Perry O"Brien, who served as an Army medic in Afghanistan in 2003.
[From Will American war crimes be revealed? | Salon News]
The real war crime on the hands of the politicians voting to sentence soldiers to be used as cannon fodder in the middle of a civil war with religious overtones.

How about the butting in of the USA in So.America, making nearly all democratically voted presidents ousted and all these countries made into dictatorships?
At that time at least Jimmy Carter sent his wife to Brazil to put pressure on the military government. TIME magazine posted an article on torture, which now is called "harsh methods."
There is a long, long line of "war crimes" committed by politicians. Overthrowing foreign heads of state in South and Central America is certainly among the crimes. I don't think Henry Kissinger can go to Argentina for instance, they'll arrest him.