Five Favorite AppleScripts

SoundJam Pro, and its successor, iTunes, have always been enhance-able with Applescripts. You could 'roll your own', or better yet, use the collective genius of Doug Adam's AppleScripts for iTunes, and piggyback off of others work. I usually donate the cost of an (imported) beer or two (i.e. $5-10) to Doug Adams every year.

In rough order, here are the five AppleScripts I use most frequently:

Create a "Block Party" playlist of random Artists and a specific number of their randomly selected songs arranged in a row ("two-fers", "three-fers", and so on).

(Maybe broadcast radio stations still do this, but back in the day, we'd have "Two-fer Tuesdays", "Three-fer Thursdays", or "Block Party Weekends" that played seemingly random track sets of an an artist. Always a cume-builder.)

[From Doug's AppleScripts for iTunes ♫ Managing Playlists]



Blockparty4Blockparty5 Blockparty6

Blockparty! is my most used AppleScript. After a while of growing one's iTunes library, alternative methods are required to keep variety in what gets played. I use Blockparty to slice playlists, use a prime number (don't ask me why, I just do), and sometimes tweak the results (deleting songs I don't want to hear, adding albums I do want to hear).

2. Artist to Last, First. Perhaps dating myself, but I remember browsing through vinyl records at Waterloo and Sound Exchange. They were filed, "Last, First", so I followed suit. The script isn't perfect with every artist/band combination, but it works more than 90% of the time, so I'm pleased.

Search AMG

3. AllMusicGroup EZ search. Saves a click or two when searching at AMG. AMG is often sluggish anyway, so this search can complete in the background and is ready for me when I am ready to look. AMG is not perfect - they have a tendency to curve their grades (too many 4 and 5 star albums),but their breadth is commendable.

4. Search SlothRadio for artwork. I have no idea who SlothRadio is, but they have a database of publicly available album artwork. Mostly from Amazon, but some other sites too. Since I now have an -TV, an iPod with a color screen, and a larger hard disk, I've been slowly adding album artwork to my library. MPFreaker does a lot of the grunt work, but sometimes I just want a quick look-up. This script does the trick.

5. Capitalize First Letters. Just what it says. Simple, direct. Capitalize First Letter

Honorable mentions:

Strip Stuff from Tracks (remove those annoying "Deluxe album" or "Bonus Tracks" from an album name)

Artist and Track to File Name (stopped using this, as songs too often came up missing afterwords)
Probably more - any suggestions?

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on April 2, 2008 7:14 PM.

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