If You Saw Thro My Eyes

"If You Saw Thro' My Eyes" (Ian Matthews)

One of my longest standing birthday traditions is that I allow myself to purchase any music that I have the slightest interest in. No holds barred. Sometimes this leads to purchasing absolute stinkers (Yngwei Malmsteen), and some gems. Over the next few weeks, a few of this years crop will end up blogged about. If you've heard any good music lately, let me know, I might just follow your suggestions.

First up: Ian Matthews (legally changed his name to the more traditional Iain Matthews) album from 1970, If you saw thro' my eyes. Long out of print, remastered in 2007. Glad I picked it up. One of the original members of the seminal band, Fairport Convention, this album has glittering guitar work by Richard "The Fly" Thompson, and guest vocals by Sandy Denny. Since I own every Richard Thompson disc available commercially, and every Fairport Convention album as well, it would make sense that I like If You Saw Thro' My Eyes. Not surprisingly, I do!

Throughout, Matthews' sweet yet evocative tenor is perfect for the material, which succeeds in its blend of British and American folk, rock, and pop. Furthermore, he once again shows a keen eye for the work of others, while also proving his prowess as a first-rate interpretive singer. A pair of songs written by the late folksinger Richard Farina -- "Reno, Nevada" (resurrected from Ian's days with Fairport) and "Morgan the Pirate" -- are given fresh, inspired readings, highlighted by Thompson, Tim Renwick, and Andy Roberts' superb guitar interplay, providing a real folk-rock edge. But it's the beautiful, prayerlike title track that is the record's crowning moment. Joined simply by Denny's piano and breathtaking second vocal, along with a tasteful backwards guitar interlude by Renwick, Matthews' quiet plea for guidance is as moving and personal a song as he's ever recorded. A number of other highlights, such as "Hearts," "Southern Wind," "It Came Without Warning," and "You Couldn't Lose," make If You Saw Thro' My Eyes one of the best efforts by a Fairport alumnus.

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This page contains a single entry by Seth A. published on April 3, 2008 7:39 PM.

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