"Foto 1-06-2004 por swanksalot", really older than that, perhaps 5-2-2001?
(Picture from Swanksalot, via Flickr)
eiiii, caramba! Glow-in-the-dark personal lubricants? Yikes
MTR and Handbrake are your best bets
"CIOs have long had objections to Macs, and those still apply" Not me, I have objections to having a Windows machine in my company.
Ooops, not on the list after all. Tons of morons left comments though.
Goldberg is just a putz, a journalist without moxie, a patsy for the Establishment. Another reason not to subscribe to The Atlantic
click image to embiggen
All blogs are not created equally, that is the utter truth.
Another definition of religion. I'm not as into sports as this dude, but I appreciate the sentiment, and can see how it applies to other human endeavors
"s journalism dedicated to lies because a couple of pretty famous writers made up stories? Are books dedicated to murderous anti-semitism because Hitler wrote ”Mein Kampf?“ Is music dedicated to demeaning women because Flo-Rida sang “Low?”
"So, I did what I always do … I wrote. In this case I wrote a long, long, long letter to Bob Costas"