August 2009 Archives

You Should Subscribe to our daily email

I am reminding you that you should sign up for my daily email. Signing up should only take a minute or less if you are a fast typer, I absolutely promise to never send you unsolicited email (unless you want me to, of course. Ahem). Feedburner/Google has enabled the email to include items that don't necessarily make it to my weblog, but that I still think are interesting, or are otherwise topics of note. Like news stories that I Digg, YouTube video I "favorite", Flickr photos I upload, etc.

Plus you should subscribe to my daily email (usually gets released around 1 AM CST) so that you have something fun to read as you drink your morning beverage. A dose of B12's Solipsism can only enhance your day!

Hotel Visitor

Oh, and you should follow me on Twitter too, if you are so inclined. I have other social media accounts, but I don't care if you friend me on Facebook, or subscribe to my Tumblr blog, for instance.

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from August 2009 listed from newest to oldest.

February 2009 is the previous archive.

January 2010 is the next archive.

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