You Should Subscribe to our daily email

I am reminding you that you should sign up for my daily email. Signing up should only take a minute or less if you are a fast typer, I absolutely promise to never send you unsolicited email (unless you want me to, of course. Ahem). Feedburner/Google has enabled the email to include items that don't necessarily make it to my weblog, but that I still think are interesting, or are otherwise topics of note. Like news stories that I Digg, YouTube video I "favorite", Flickr photos I upload, etc.

Plus you should subscribe to my daily email (usually gets released around 1 AM CST) so that you have something fun to read as you drink your morning beverage. A dose of B12's Solipsism can only enhance your day!

Hotel Visitor

Oh, and you should follow me on Twitter too, if you are so inclined. I have other social media accounts, but I don't care if you friend me on Facebook, or subscribe to my Tumblr blog, for instance.

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by swanksalot published on August 19, 2009 10:19 AM.

Time to go home was the previous entry in this blog.

Self Portrait 164 - circa 2002 is the next entry in this blog.

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