Short version: this blog has moved, across the street, to
Go check it out.
I doubt I'll keep updating this long, but for the moment, here is yesterday's Twitter history, via Paper.LI's robot.
I installed WordPress 2.5 last night, and have been playing around with it for a few hours. Seems so much more responsive than Movable Type, at least at the moment. I don't know if that is because I have over 4,000 entries in MT, or because WP uses PHP, or if WP just is faster. MT gives one more control over the layout (templates for every page, archive, index), but this control also makes MT much more complicated to configure. I never did get the category archive to work properly, and gave up after struggling with the formatting for hours. Also, about every 3rd post made in MT doesn't complete the first time, I have to repost up to five times to get a proper response (though, this could be webhost-related, but then doesn't happen in WP).
Not sure what will happen in the near future, but for now, new content will be found here more likely than here. The only change is "/mt" to "/wp" at the end ( to )Please adjust your bookmarks and RSS feeds accordingly. (I'd suggest keeping both active at least for a moment: a bit wishy-washy of me, but I have a lot of time invested in Movable Type.)

case in point - even publishing this particular entry took 4 90 second-long attempts in MT, 4 seconds in WP.