WP notes from day 1.3 of use.
- No javascript-based widgets, meaning some of my sidebar elements will have to die (like the one I wanted most, additions to my librarything catalog. Oh well, less clutter is probably good for everyone.
- Would like to be able to customize elements of individual pages/entries. The sidebar for the main page seems like it could contain more items than the individual pages, but as far as I can tell, they are required to be identical. Point for MT.
- There are seemingly a gazillion plugins for WP. I’ve added a few, and am on the lookout for more. Installation is a breeze -upload a folder to /wp-content/plugins/, activate, and you are set.
- Speaking of, installed a Flickr gallery plugin that I wanted to try for a long time. If you want to see how it looks, go to http://www.b12partners.net/wp/photos/. For some reason, the ending slash in the URL is required (photos/). Just click it, and wait a second for the images to load. I haven’t yet figured out how to embed images directly in a post, probably because I’m running on fumes today (only 4 hours of sleep, don’t ask me why)
- I don’t like the faint grey text on some sidebar elements, I will fix this once I have time to find the right CSS code.
- I want to add a random image generator in the header (up at the top), but this will happen over some rainy weekend.
Actually you can have Javascript widgets. Text widgets can contain any HTML tags, including SCRIPT. I have several on my blog.
Ahhh, misinformation on the web will do ya in if you aren’t careful. I thought that was weird, as the librarything widget started working this morning with no change from me.