A few interesting links for August 14th through August 15th:
- About this blog at B12 Solipsism – Not a statement of purpose or anything so mundane, but a few bullet points about B12’s exercise in solipsism
- Wordie: Nugacity – Triviality; futility.
- Pure Pedantry : Bernie Mac Died?! -and- What the hell is sarcoidosis – " I also raised an eyebrow when I heard that he was only 50 because 50-year-olds do not typically die of pneumonia unless they are in some way immunosuppressed — either from medications or from some condition like HIV.
Even though it wasn't the immediate cause of his death, Mac fought a poorly understood disease called sarcoidosis which may explain why he would be particularly susceptible to lung infections. Sarcoidosis is not something that most people have heard of, so I thought I would spend a little bit talking about it."