I want a copy of my “long form” Canadian birth certificate (I was born in Toronto, Ontario), but in order to receive this document, I have to jump through several bureaucratic hoops. Including this one:
If you are applying for a birth certificate for an individual nine years of age or older, guarantor information is required.
A guarantor is someone who has known you (the applicant) personally for at least 2 years during your life, is a Canadian citizen, and is currently serving in or a practicing member in good standing of one of the professions listed below.
The role of the guarantor is to certify that information provided on a birth certificate application is as complete and accurate as possible. If required, a qualified guarantor must also be available to verify the information with the Office of the Registrar General.
From my perspective, this list is very socio-economic class bigoted. While the list of “acceptable” occupations is broad, I don’t understand why only professional class individuals are allowed to “vouch” for me. If you are a carpenter, or a graphic designer, your word is worth shite to the Ontario government. I assume these additional stipulations were added as part of the United States government’s export of Terrorism Theatre, coming to a town hall near you!
These are the professions who are deemed acceptable to the Canadian (Ontario) government:
- Chief of a band recognized under the Indian Act (Canada)
- Chiropractor
- Dentist
- First Nations police officer
- Judge
- Justice of the Peace
- Lawyer
- Mayor
- Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (MPP)
- Midwife
- Minister of religion authorized under provincial law to perform marriages
- Municipal clerk or treasurer (a member of the Association of Municipal Managers, Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario)
- Notary public
- Nurse
- Optometrist
- Pharmacist
- Physician
- Police officer (Municipal, Provincial, RCMP)
- Principal or Vice-Principal (primary or secondary school)
- Professional accountant
- Professional engineer
- Psychologist
- Senior administrator (community college or in a CEGEP)
- Senior administrator or professor in a university
- Signing officer of a bank, caisse d’économie, caisse populaire, credit union or trust company.
- Social worker or social service worker
- Surgeon
- Teacher in a primary or secondary school
- Veterinarian
So what if I don’t know a doctor, lawyer or Indian chief?
More importantly, are any of you members of these preferred occupations?
That is ridiculous. Did you try contacting the U.S. Consulate in Toronto? Or better, Dick Durbin’s office in Chicago. Just a thought.
Too bad photographer isn’t a listed occupation. We could probably round up a couple Flickrites to vouch for you.
Yeah, exactly, what are the rules for deciding what is a *reliable* occupation? I’d rather have a Flickr-ite vouch for me than some Justice of the Peace.
I’m sure I’ll find somebody, I was just publicly kvetching.