Some additional reading September 19th from 10:52 to 16:26:
- Daily Kos: Bloggers nail McCain on Spain- Round-up – Hey a little blog triumphalism never hurts.
"Time to give yourselves a round of applause. Kudos to everyone here, and across the blogosphere who forced the TM to cover a story that only 48 hours ago was being completely ignored here in the States. The power of a massive effort, starting at TPM, spilling over to here at Dkos, onto Digg, then to HuffPo and other left blogs put the TM on notice.The first crack was TIME magazine, but it was soon to become a flood, and the McCain campaign, reeling under its inability to staunch their economic platform bleeding was forced to do "damage control" which created even more damage."
- Economy proves costly for McCain's poll lead – Americas, World – The Independent – Sort of a bogus premise for an article, and any article that leads with the citing of daily poll numbers is already suspect – daily polls are too volatile to be useful for anything other than a talking point.
But I liked this:
"The McCain camp's attempt to distance itself from the economic legacy of President George Bush, a fellow Republican, is having limited effect so far. The latest polls reveal that despite his efforts, voters believe he is far less likely to make changes than his adversary. The Arizona senator is still seen as a "typical Republican" who would entrench current unpopular policies, rather than get the country back on track."