A few interesting links collected August 31st through September 1st:
- Glenn Greenwald – Swampland – TIME.com – Can’t decide if my favorite part of this laughable Joke Line aka Joe Klein article is the article itself, the comments ripping Klein to shreds, or the thoughtful response Glenn Greenwald made on his Salon.com blog. Or all of the above. Klein should be so embarrassed as to resign and become an upstate bee keeper.
- A Mugging on Lake Street – Chicago magazine – September 2009 – Chicago – “A veteran investigative reporter looks into his own beating and finds himself confronting harsh and lingering questions of race BY JOHN CONROY”
- Radiohead -Lollapalooza Festival 1st August 2008 – XM Broadcoast- mp3s | Radiohead Not For Profit – Radiohead – Lollapalooza, Grant Park; Chicago, IL