I sincerely hope Sarah Palin runs for President in 2012, perhaps with Michelle Bachman as her sidekick, just for the comedy alone. Ms. Palin is not a serious person, and not even mentally strong enough to withstand softball question from the corporate media.
David Corn reports, in part:
During an interview with The Daily Caller, [Sarah Palin] went further, calling Journolisters “sick puppies” — as she reacted to another article on the now-defunct list-serv revealing e-mail messages sent the day John McCain surprisingly picked Palin to be his running mate. In these e-mails, several participants — including two Mother Jones reporters who worked for me at the time — pondered why McCain had picked Palin and what would be an effective critique of her. That liberal reporters would privately discuss how best to criticize a conservative politician whose policies they oppose does not strike me as shocking. In fact, I am certain that during the 2008 campaign journalists at conservative media outfits talked among themselves about how best to puncture Obama.
But Palin was offended. In responding to The Daily Caller piece, though, she conceded a major point about herself: She does not posses a hardy enough constitution to be president. In that interview, The Daily Caller reports, Palin said the media became a key reason she decided not to finish out her term as governor. Consider that for a moment. Eight months after the grueling 2008 campaign was over, Palin, by her own admission, was not tough enough to handle the media and had to quit her job as Alaska governor. After confessing that, how can she possibly present herself as presidential timber? If she allowed herself to be hounded out of office in Juneau by the big bad press, could she withstand the slings and arrows of the media while under pressure in the White House?
This part of her reaction to The Daily Caller article is a tell. Looking to scapegoat the media for her decision to quit — a decision widely described at the time on the left and right as bizarre — she displays her own weakness. Does a true commander in chief turn tail when “sick puppies” bark?
I wonder if Palin meant to reveal this much. Possibly, she was lazily exploiting the latest Journolist revelation. Bashing the liberal media is good for Sarah Inc. It sells books and six-figure speeches. And it’s good politics, for this theme is an oldie-but-goody relished by the GOP base and Tea Partiers — the sort of voters who will dominate the Republican Party’s 2012 presidential primaries. Still, saying that she could not do her job in Alaska because of pesky reporters is a true admission of weakness. If you can’t stand the heat from reporters (including the ferocious liberals of Journolist), how can you be strong enough to deal with the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Iranians, the Taliban, and, oh yes, the terrorists? They’re a bit more fierce than Katie Couric.
(click to continue reading Palin’s Shocking Admission: Not Tough Enough to Be President.)