- Shit Fountain, literally. http://flic.kr/p/8tVcT9 #
- Cecil tackles the Very Important Question "The Straight Dope: Will alcohol in cupcakes make you drunk?" http://bit.ly/drhDQi #
- Parliament Buildings London http://flic.kr/p/8tSsC4 #
- Perched – River Thames, scoping out the tourists
http://flic.kr/p/8tStcX # - Lambeth Bridge http://flic.kr/p/8tSAHv #
- Lincoln Public Bath, North Wolcott http://flic.kr/p/8tVYqJ #
- ACLU challenges Ill. eavesdropping act http://is.gd/erG4l #
- "A free man in Illinois (for a while) – Disarranging Mine" http://www.disarranging.com/review/archives/002958.php #
- "Even Banksy Has to Follow the Rules in Proco Joe's Ward | The Blog | Chicago Reader" http://bit.ly/94TtI0 #
- How Number Superstitions Affect Camera Model Numberings http://is.gd/es4TI #
- The Salmonella-in-eggs situation gets worse http://is.gd/esdQ4 #
- nice, our voicemail is on the fritz, and telecom provider can't even find our account number #
- so air conditioner is pouring water into our foyer, about 9 sq feet of drywall needs repair, plus rodding the drain. #1stWorldProblems #
- How ironic: "No. 2 shareholder of Fox News' parent company has funded Park51 planner" http://bit.ly/apq8Gr #
- Fox News are terrorists, we can all agree "News Corp’s number-two shareholder funded ‘terror mosque’ planner – " http://yhoo.it/bAgH1X #
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