Reading Around on August 3rd

Some additional reading August 3rd from 07:56 to 07:56:

  • Online Industry Needs to Be More Open About Tracking – Advertising Age – DigitalNext – To characterize cookies as a form of spying (as the WSJ recently did) is misleading at best and damaging to the online industry at its worst. We need a less polarizing discussion. One side implies that cookies are evil and therefore we should all just pay for content (interestingly, most of the WSJ is behind a pay wall). The other and equally polar extreme is to say that marketers who pay the bills should have free reign to do whatever they want with the consumer’s data. Both competing positions take us nowhere. We think a better solution is needed.

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-07

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-06

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Carrots in Soho square

Carrots in Soho square

Carrots in Soho square, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

A farmers market of some sort, actually growing lettuces, celery, carrots right there in the park

Didn’t have time to stop and purchase any of this delightful produce, maybe later as our work aspect of our trip is now completed, and we are officially on vacation now. Whoo hooo!

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-05

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-04

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-04

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-04

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-04

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Money clip with British pounds

Money clip with British pounds
Money clip with British pounds, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone
Lens: John S
Flash: Off
Film: Pistil

probably because I haven’t left the North American continent for so long, I’m excited/anxious about this trip.

We are actually woefully underprepared for the ostensible reason for the trip: meeting with a gentleman to discuss a new business venture we’ve been working on for a couple years. Part of the meeting will just be us talking with confidence about what we know, however we planned to bring more collateral material, but since we leave for the airport in a couple hours, increasingly looks like that task will not be completed.

Besides the business meeting, we scheduled in 3 full days to explore London, and while I wish we could stay longer, perhaps we’ll return soon. One benefit of filtering every single business expense possible through our corporate American Express cards is that we accumulate a lot of reward points, and this trip is a direct consequence of that. Our Virgin American seats even fold out to a bed – fancy.

We have someone staying in our house, so that’s one less worry, we trust her to monitor if any of our crazy, deluded neighbors try to cause trouble.

Wish us luck!

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-03

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-02

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Reading Around on August 1st

Some additional reading August 1st from 19:08 to 21:26:

  • The Wire Rewind: Season 3, Episode 3 – Dead Soldiers (Veterans edition) – – Tosha’s sparsely-attended wake, meanwhile, is shown in parallel with the sprawling drunken one the cops hold for the late Ray Cole. As mentioned previously in these reviews, Cole was played by “Wire” executive producer Bob Colesberry, who died unexpectedly before season three began. Cole’s long and impressive film career is alluded to in Jay Landsman’s eulogy (there are specific references to “Mississippi Burning,” “After Hours” and “The Corner,” which is where Simon and the late David Mills first teamed up with Colesberry).o01_23334333.jpg
  • Southwest Says Mechanical Issues Are Beyond Its Control, But It’s Not as Bad as You Might Think – >> The Cranky Flier – Many of you have already heard that in its contract of carriage, Southwest has now decided that mechanical issues are outside the airline’s control. How do I know? Because I’ve received more email from readers on this issue than any other, I believe. It’s amazing how this has grabbed people’s attention. The reality of this, however, is not as dire as many are suggesting.Anti-government-red-shirt-003.jpg
  • Communautarisme: la démocratie contre la République – Jean-Paul Brighelli revient sur les récentes sortie de Nicolas Sarkozy sur les «Roms». Un signe de plus que désormais, sous couvert de diversité, on désigne les citoyens, on les trie, par communautés. Cela revient à pulvériser la République.  (republished photo – swanksalot)