.1. Further development of the sugar bush,2. Manufacturing maple sugar and maple products such as candy and jam,3. Development of a market garden to grow field crops (such as artichokes, chicory, etc.) and/or building a greenhouse or mushroom cellar using natural soil or hydroponics,4. Manufacturing furniture or wooden toys from locally available wood,5. Selling Christmas trees, wholesale and/or retail,6. Manufacturing leather goods for wholesale and the local tourist trade,7. A seasonal sandal manufacturing/retail operation…three months of the year each Spring,8. School bus driving,9. Contracting or sub-contracting construction or building maintenance,10. Speculative construction of cottages or housing in the South River area,11. Rebuilding and sale of small tractors or similar equipment that is in short supply in the South River area, such as wood heaters and stoves,12. Operating a retail establishment in South River or on Eagle Lake Road selling health food and/or leather goods.