Daily Kos: Jack Welch takes ball, goes home after Fortune doesn’t back up his BLS conspiracy theory

Earlier today…

except for the part where people were mocking you for being so obviously wrong and ignorant about how the BLS numbers are arrived at, not about you “questioning authority” or the like. Every conspiracy theorist considers scorn for their theory to be part of a plot against them; most then grumble that they are “just asking questions” and wonder why their “questions,” say, about how perhaps Obama operatives visited tens of thousands of American homes and forced citizens to claim they had jobs when they really didn’t, are not being treated more seriously. Few of them have access to the Wall Street Journal to write their subsequent I-was-just-misunderstood pouts, but that’s because they do not have enough money.
Have our wealthy Americans been getting dumber lately, or just louder? Trump, Cain, that Murray Energy jackass, Jack Welch; there’s no shortage of rich people who seem to have made it their special mission to demonstrate just how dimwitted our captains of finance and industry actu

Daily Kos: Jack Welch takes ball, goes home after Fortune doesn’t back up his BLS conspiracy theory

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