Twitter Updates for 2010-08-05

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-04

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-04

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-04

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-04

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-03

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Twitter Updates for 2010-08-02

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Reading Around on August 1st

Some additional reading August 1st from 19:08 to 21:26:

  • The Wire Rewind: Season 3, Episode 3 – Dead Soldiers (Veterans edition) – – Tosha’s sparsely-attended wake, meanwhile, is shown in parallel with the sprawling drunken one the cops hold for the late Ray Cole. As mentioned previously in these reviews, Cole was played by “Wire” executive producer Bob Colesberry, who died unexpectedly before season three began. Cole’s long and impressive film career is alluded to in Jay Landsman’s eulogy (there are specific references to “Mississippi Burning,” “After Hours” and “The Corner,” which is where Simon and the late David Mills first teamed up with Colesberry).o01_23334333.jpg
  • Southwest Says Mechanical Issues Are Beyond Its Control, But It’s Not as Bad as You Might Think – >> The Cranky Flier – Many of you have already heard that in its contract of carriage, Southwest has now decided that mechanical issues are outside the airline’s control. How do I know? Because I’ve received more email from readers on this issue than any other, I believe. It’s amazing how this has grabbed people’s attention. The reality of this, however, is not as dire as many are suggesting.Anti-government-red-shirt-003.jpg
  • Communautarisme: la démocratie contre la République – Jean-Paul Brighelli revient sur les récentes sortie de Nicolas Sarkozy sur les «Roms». Un signe de plus que désormais, sous couvert de diversité, on désigne les citoyens, on les trie, par communautés. Cela revient à pulvériser la République.  (republished photo – swanksalot)

Twitter Updates for 2010-08-01

  • so what's the protocol for food for someone who is house-sitting? Do I buy extra food for them? Just encourage them to eat what is here? #
  • – Sites Feed Personal Details To New Tracking Indust: The largest U.S. websites are installing new and int… #
  • The Chills – Pink Frost kind of morning. Damn, I love that song #
  • wonder if I can put .mp4 files on a SD card, and connect to my iPad? #
  • According to Jeff Carlson of @tidbits, using iPad and the camera connection kit for h.264 movies should work #

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Twitter Updates for 2010-07-31

  • today's procrastination tool: removing myself from Flickr groups I never post to, or that have constricting rules for no reason #
  • Sergio Mendes kind of morning #
  • What the fuck does Dianne Feinstein got against pot brownies anyway? #
  • WTF?!?! RT @MacMcClelland: This is just crazy. Senate votes to double fines, jail time for **Pot Brownies** #
  • NYTimes: Avoiding a Large Phone Bill When Traveling #
  • FBI Releases 400-Page File On Howard Zinn: The FBI today released a 423-page file on Howard Zinn, the radical prog… #
  • Looking forward to 1st Virgin America flight, but their website is fairly lame #
  • Scientists Find Evidence That Oil And Dispersant Mix Is Maki: Scientists have found signs of an oil-and-dispersant… #
  • Luggage woes solved thanks to friendly folk at Kaehler on Clybourn #
  • don't know if it is true, but someone calling himself the REAL STEPHON MARBURY left an odd comment on an old blog post re: Starbury China #
  • …here's the Starbury blog post and comment for your amusement: #
  • cool RT @CriterionCast: You can now watch Burden of Dreams (Criterion # 287) for free on Hulu (in the US of course) #
  • I want to read a book about Alexander Cockburn and Christopher Hitchens #
  • Adobe Photoshop CS5 One-on-One by Deke McClelland: Deke Press (2010), Edition: 1, Paperback, 544 pages #

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Twitter Updates for 2010-07-30

  • 1 Soldier or 20 Schools in Afghanistan? – #
  • Damn it, my web-ordered luggage won't arrive in time for trip- what's plan B? Just found out now when I asked, lame. #
  • Apple – Safari – Safari Extensions Gallery #
  • Mayor Daley probably has a valid point: "Michigan oil spill worse than Asian carp" #
  • official Twitter Safari extension annoyingly displays what is trending. I don't give a fuck about anything that is ever on this #
  • Twitter Safari extension needs an option to remove "Trending" b/c it is just visual noise on my browser bar #
  • Never did like Jon Spencer and his faux Blues Explosion. Jim DeRogatis explains one reason why… #
  • "Neil Hagerty Meets Jon Spencer in a Non-Alcoholic Bar" probably fave Jon Spencer song, and that's not saying much since it's by Pavement #
  • shop-fronts and faded adverts for Blooms Pianos and Gillette Razors… and whisky; … Donovan Brothers' Paper Bags. #
  • winter project really needs to be getting negatives from storage in Austin and sending to ScanCafe, or doing by hand #
  • prominent conservative compared the Bushies' public-relations savvy to LeBron James. #
  • Atlantic Rhythm and Blues, Vol 1 is full of names that ought to be better remembered. Take Professor Longhair #
  • Texas Governor Douche Perry Caught in Explosive Dirty Deals Scandal #
  • ru-oh, upgrading to WordPress 3.01 froze in the middle #
  • yep RT @ebertchicago: I've known this good man for years. There is bipartisan support…victim of cruel immigration laws. #
  • DIY Kitty Crack: ultra-potent catnip extract #
  • Flickr and Safari 5.01 don't get along, font-wise. Looks like shite. #
  • work your fingers to the bone, what do you get? Dusty Fingers! and a bunch of break beats too… #
  • Swaying Motion of the Ride #
  • can someone bring me more wine, please?
    #fb #
  • funny how this Willie Dixon box set is the size of an LP record – must have been made a long time ago (1988, per the CD). Now box sets tiny #
  • the enclosed booklet even lists Record/Cassette/Compact Disc, in that order. Still, Willie Dixon! #
  • Surprisingly, don't have much Lowell Fulson in my iTunes library. Rectifying now. #
  • Another reason why Miami sucks – C Miller: "I was attacked by a Metrorail security guard for shooting video" #
  • LeBron James Is the Story, Even When ESPN Doesn’t Want It – #
  • RT @ColonelTribune: Not bragging [yes, I am], but Gov. Quinn signed nursing home reforms based on my reporters' work: #
  • Outrage Aside, Chicago Drivers Fuel High Parking Meter Profits – #
  • Rehabbed, a Punk Dive Grows Up – revisiting the Fireside Bowl in Logan Square- #
  • least favorite Flickr groups are those with too many rules. #

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Reading Around on July 28th through July 29th

A few interesting links collected July 28th through July 29th:

  • George Bush’s Book Will Shape the 2010 Campaign – The Daily Beast – Still, that has not stopped some Republicans, traumatized over the last two election cycles, from fearing the worst. “Monumentally bad timing” was the reaction of one former Bush aide who learned of the book release date. Another prominent conservative compared the Bushies’ public-relations savvy to LeBron James. “Selfish and stupid” was another noted right-wing columnist’s reaction. Democrats, meanwhile, are gleeful.
  • Hail, Hail, Rock’n’Roll | Laura Barton – Walk around the streets near my home in east London and the area’s past will soon rise up to meet you – carved above door-frames, etched into glass and painted on awnings and the sides of buildings are the ghost-signs of former industries: shop-fronts and faded adverts for Blooms Pianos and Gillette Razors; fountain pens, glass, stoves and whisky; Strongs Meat and Donovan Brothers’ Paper Bags. This was once an area famed for furniture and shoemakers, matches and model-makers, but as the industry moved elsewhere many of the names drifted into obscurity, too: Lesney, Bailey & Sloper, Bespoke Shoes, Berger, Jenson & Nicholson, Batey & Co, F Puckeridge & Nephew. As the area reinvents itself with luxury flats and new train lines, galleries and delicatessens, the few names that remain serve as faded, barely noticed reminders of the vibrant history of this part of the city.
  • Apple – Safari – Safari Extensions Gallery – Extensions are a great way for you to add new features to Safari 5.0.1. Built by developers, Safari Extensions use the latest HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript web technologies. And they’re digitally signed and sandboxed for improved security. You can install extensions with one click — no need to restart Safari.
  • New Documentary Explores History Of Jews and Basketball : NPR – todays Golden State Warriors were the Philadelphia Warriors. They started from the Philadelphia Sphas, the South Philadelphia Hebrew All-Stars. That team was founded by Eddie Gottlieb in the 1920s at the South Philadelphia Hebrew Association. He formed a league as a kid and the team as a kid. And that team went on to become an NBA team, in essence. And he was one of the original NBA owners.

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-29

  • why does iThoughtsHD “save as PDF” always give, “Cannot extract the embedded font ‘RLMMYU+ArialMT’.” error? #
  • thanks, SuperDuper for saving a file I needlessly and destructively modified this morning – automated backup FTW! #
  • sigh, guess the lawyer is going to have to get involved. #
  • Wild! NBA star Amar’e Stoudemire (Knicks) heads to Israel after discovering Jewish roots #
  • Condo Board using GWB playbook of “with us or agin us”, with a little “fuck you” thrown in. Not interested in consensus or fairness #
  • which is why we’ve retained legal counsel. Better than purchasing a hand gun, though less satisfying. #
  • RT @tonyaengst: The Take Control ebooks are all on sale for 50% off this week! Macworld Superguides too. #
  • The thing is, nobody can use the space on the roof for any other purpose anyway, so the opposition is just emotional, not structural #
  • My Top 3 Weekly #lastfm artists: Uncle Tupelo (106), R.E.M. (75) and The Coup (67) #music #
  • ESPN proves beyond doubt that they are an “entertainment” network, 1st, last, and in between. #
  • “Exposes ESPN as a positive publicity machine for LeBron James” #
  • iTunes 9.2 adds Undo #
  • 3 Day Cure for Men, circa 1920 #fb #
  • how many Americans believe in angles? RT @MotherJones: Comment of the Day: “Keep in mind that over 2/3 of Americans believe in angels.” #
  • Golden State Warriors… started from the Philadelphia Sphas, the South Philadelphia Hebrew All-Stars #
  • Time Inc.’s iPad Problem Is Trouble for Every Magazine Publisher #
  • Ben Keith RIP #
  • Prairie Farmer 1841 #
  • 656 or Noon Hour 657 depending #
  • Street Theatre – May Day 2009 #
  • ha RT @BorowitzReport: FULL STORY: Arizona Governor Blocks Immigrants on Facebook #
  • @MikeSula it’s like my office bathroom! #
  • End of Days blues #

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Reading Around on July 23rd through July 28th

A few interesting links collected July 23rd through July 28th:

Twitter Updates for 2010-07-28

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