Twitter Updates for 2010-07-28

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Twitter Updates for 2010-07-28

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Twitter Updates for 2010-07-27

  • It’s going to get really ugly in CA #
  • whoo hoo, can finally get that new Mac Pro I budgeted for about a year ago, was worried fiscal would end before the Mac Pro was released #
  • Forrester Study Says Most Marketers Should Forgo Foursquare – Advertising Age #
  • Check this video out — Shocking video shows Brietbart's true allegiance: Al-Qaeda #

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Tweets from 1969-12-30

Testing a couple of twitter digest options, this is several days worth of tweets, but the Twitter Digest WordPress plugin published them all. Not sure where the title of this post comes from either, seems a bit incorrect…

Reading Around on July 15th through July 19th

A few interesting links collected July 15th through July 19th:

Reading Around on July 8th through July 15th

A few interesting links collected July 8th through July 15th:

  • CAFE MPG Standards and Driving – How CAFE rules will change the way we drive – Popular Mechanics – (Photo by swanksalot) The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) regulations were recently stiffened by the largest degree in over two decades. Also, fuel-economy targets will be based on the car’s footprint—the area defined by multiplying the vehicle’s wheelbase by the track width—and every model must improve. It’s estimated that these changes will increase new-car fuel economy by about 24 percent by 2016. Here’s what automakers will do to get there.
  • Yellow Smart Car

  • LeBron James Is A Cocksucker – It doesn’t matter where he opts to go. If he goes to Chicago, he’s a cocksucker. If he goes to Miami, he’s a cocksucker. Even if he goes back to Cleveland, he’s a goddamn cocksucker. He’s a self-aggrandizing sack of shit, and ESPN is a bunch of pussy-whipped enablers for giving him a free hour of airtime
  • Kagan got “Nasty” – Elana Kagan filed an amicus brief arguing that 2 Live Crew’s album, As Nasty As They Wanna Be, which had been banned by a federal judge because of its sexual content, wasn’t obscene in part because no one could possibly be aroused by it. “Nasty does not physically excite anyone who hears it,” Kagan wrote, “much less arouse a shameful and morbid sexual response.” A higher court ultimately overturned the ban.

Reading Around on July 8th

Some additional reading July 8th from 07:55 to 15:00:

  • BULLS: What would Michael do? Not this! – Michael Jordan probably hurt himself and his teams, at times, by refusing, as he said, to be “a show pony.” Jordan sold a lot of products and I probably got him in trouble some when I noted his joking remark that Republicans buy sneakers, too. Michael was not a political guy. And the way it has gone perhaps he was right. But Jordan always understood you don’t denigrate the game to enhance yourself, which is what James has done.
  • Lebron James: The Uncool | The Nation – Right now Lebron is acting less cool than Al Gore on Soul Train. He should be treating this remarkable free agent process like the Fonz. Instead the King is being pure Potsie. What would Fonzie do? Let’s remember 1995 when Michael Jordan returned to the Chicago Bulls after a season and a half playing minor league baseball. Jordan sent a fax to the media that said simply, “I’m back.” We had another Fonzie moment just yesterday when 21 year old NBA scoring champ Kevin Durant quietly re-upped for five more years with his thrilling, small market squad of infinite promise, the Oklahoma City Thunder.
  • Blago Jogging on May Street

  • Yahoo! Respuestas blog » Archivo del Blog » La guía de Respuestas para: Correr – Las imágenes de esta entrada son de swanksalot y de Josiah Mackenzie, quienes comparten su trabajo en Flickr.

Reading Around on July 7th


Some additional reading July 7th from 09:36 to 13:27:

  • Booze quotes: shaking with style


    The important thing is the rhythm. You should always have rhythm when you’re shaking. Now, a Manhattan you shake to fox trots. A Bronx, to two-step time. A dry martini you always shake to waltz time. —Nick Charles, The Thin Man


  • ScienceBlogs, we have a problem | Science | – •


    Should have agreed to host a controversial blog on nutrition, written by PepsiCo? No, say the site’s readers, as some of its star bloggers stop their blogs in protest


  • Say hello to…PepsiCo??!? WTF? : Pharyngula


    So what’s with the corporate drones moving in next door? They aren’t going to be doing any scienceblogging — this is straight-up commercial propaganda. You won’t be seeing much criticism of Pepsico corporate policies, or the bad nutritional habits spread by cheap fast food, or even any behind-the-scenes stories about the lives of Pepsico employees that paints a picture of the place as anything less than Edenesque. Do you think any of the ‘bloggers’ will express any controversial opinions that might annoy any potential customers?

  • PepsiCo blog, Food Frontiers, is an affront to those who built the reputation of ScienceBlogs : Terra Sigillata


    I wish to focus my objections specifically on the breach of ethics and community represented by ScienceBlogs hosting this blog and accepting an undisclosed amount of sponsorship funds to do so


Reading Around on May 9th through July 7th

A few interesting links collected May 9th through July 7th:

  • Pepsi Ethics : Living the Scientific Life (Scientist, Interrupted) – It’s taken me a few hours to cool off enough to write coherently and without using (too much) profanity after I learned that ScienceBlogs added a corporate PR blog about nutrition written by PepsiCo. I think I’ve learned all I care to know about corporate “food” giants’ definition of what is “nutrition” by being confronted daily by a flock of hugely protruding bellies and jiggling posteriors everywhere I goBatman juice
  • Rand Paul has long history of controversial views – no wonder Rand Paul doesn’t want to talk to the press anymore – they might ask him about the crazy shit he’s said
  • + TheCoolShot + Authentic Russian Toast + – Your shot of iced vodka at The Russian Tea Time is served straight up in a chilled 2 oz. glass and is accompanied by traditional morsels – pickled cucumber and pumpernickel bread bite. Have it within a reach.

Reading Around on May 9th

There's No Need for You HereSome additional reading May 9th from 20:01 to 20:01:

  • How to say cheers – Slainte – prost – skål in different languages / countries – skål på forskellige sprog by Alternative Whisky Academy – No one says “Na zdorovje” as a Russian drinking cheer.
    This is increadibly widespread myth. It does mean “To you health”, but they only sayy it as a reply to “Spasibo”
    i.e. “Thank you”.
    Furthermore, there is no universal drinking cheer in Russian, however paradoxal it might sound.
    Sometimes they say “Budem zdorovy” meaning “Let’s stay healthy”. Which sometimes is shortened to just “Budem” (see Ukranian version).
    or “Chtob vse byli zdorovy”, i.e. “Let everybody be healthy”. Thanks to Dmitry

    Old index: Na zdorovje (to your health), Vashe zdorovie or Na zdorovia (Not used !)
    wonder if this is true? No Na Zdorovie

Reading Around on April 15th through April 26th

A few interesting links collected April 15th through April 26th:

  • Weird Places to Get Your Hair Done – What’s the strangest place you’ve ever done it — had a haircut, that is? Source: Flickr User swanksalot
  • Report: March was Earth’s warmest on record – Science Fair: Science and Space News – – Although a large chunk of the USA didn’t get in on the warmth in March, the rest of the world sure did. March was the warmest March ever recorded worldwide, the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) reported Thursday. NCDC records go back to 1880.
  • The massive NYT suck-up to the Tea Party | Philly | 04/14/2010 – Hey, remember back in late 2002 and early 2003, when tens of thousands of people showed up for several rallies to protest the looming war in Iraq — suggesting that maybe a pre-emptive war under false pretenses wasn’t the best use of American dollars and lives — and when the American news media was falling all over itself to get the Iraq war protesters to tell their stories, and what their movement in opposition to the president of the United States was all about? Yeah…me neither.

Reading Around on April 14th

Some additional reading April 14th from 11:09 to 12:18:

  • Maniacal Rage – Adobe Photoshop CS4 likes to crash a lot. One guy has tried to find the humor in it
  • Today’s Weather: Convalescing – Chicagoist – Well, Mr. Squirrel, looks like we are at an impasse…
  • Looking Up

  • Rogers Park Residents Vote on Ward Menu Money – 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore asked Rogers Park residents to vote on how to spend $1.3 million in funding for ward improvements, known as “menu money” over the weekend. CBS2 says that sidewalk repair, more bike lanes and a dog park were the top three items residents voted for

Reading Around on April 2nd through April 14th

A few interesting links collected April 2nd through April 14th:

Reading Around on March 17th through March 31st

A few interesting links collected March 17th through March 31st:

Reading Around on March 13th through March 15th

A few interesting links collected March 13th through March 15th:

  • Deep Discounts on Maria Pinto, Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic – Frugalista – Photo by swanksalot, used via Creative Commons license.
  • Busy Soccer Scene Despite Looming Strike – LAist – Photo by swanksalot

    Major League Soccer made history this past week, but for all the wrong reasons. Frustrated by the lack of progress towards a new Collective Bargaining Agreement between themselves and the league, MLS players overwhelmingly voted in favor of a strike. Through their vote, players have essentially told MLS that if an agreement is not reached by March 25th, clubs shouldn’t expect to see them in their respective locker room

  • 449 – “Great Party Place, Wisconsin”, or: America’s Beer Belly « Strange Maps

    – This map represents localised references in the Google Maps directory to either grocery stores or bars. Yellow shading indicates that there are more references to grocery stores than bars at that particular location. Red indicates more references to bars.
    Yellow is generally prevalent in most of the US; one can assume that there are more grocery stores than drinking establishments in those areas. But red dots, where bars outnumber grocery stores, are dominant in a few very particular regions:
    The aforementioned party state, Wisconsin. The dotting corresponds quite closely with the Wisconsin state line, turning yellow again where northwestern Wisconsin transforms into Michigan’s northern peninsula.
    North Dakota is also heavily bar-oriented, as are significant parts of Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Kansas and – ironically – Iowa.
    Illinois is also a mainly ‘red’ state, with the notable exception of Chicagoland, on the southern shore of Lake Michigan.