Infrared Bridge for Sale

A very nice woman pleasantly asked me for a free copy of this photograph of the Hoan Bridge in Milwaukee to

hang in a local, non-profit rehab hospital? I just think the image is very soothing and the patients would just love it. If you approve, I would like to know your first and last name so I could give you full credit for your beautiful work.

Two views/treatments of the same bridge near the Historic Third Ward area in Milwaukee.

Bridge Milwaukee IR2

Bridge Milwaukee IR

I told her that I was uncomfortable giving away my art, but that I would discuss a non-profit rate1 that was significantly cheaper. I hope she doesn’t just print out a copy anyway. There really isn’t anything one can do; once an image is digitized and placed on the web, what happens to the image is difficult to control. All one can do is depend upon the ethics of others. I upload less-than-ideal resolution, but if someone is willing to print out a less-than-ideal print, how would I ever even know?
I did print this image out in 20″ x 30″ size, and gave the print to a friend, but that’s a much different category.
So if anyone is ever visiting2 a rehab hospital3 and sees a copy of this print, please let me know. At least she asked me first.

  1. Harlan Elison’s words were ringing in my ears: get paid! Don’t give away your work for free! []
  2. I won’t ask what you were doing there, ahem. []
  3. possibly in Milwaukee, or nearby, or somewhere else entirely []

I Am Going to Dream Until Monday Comes in Sight

apologies to Richard Thompson for stealing his lyric.

Outside of the Garfield Conservatory

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Be Right Back

Be Right Back, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

An office worker taking a quick smoke break outside of Abn Amro/LaSalle Bank building.

I need to learn how to make cigarette smoke “pop” better, would make this photo better, methinks.

[view large on black here: ]

Heathrow bound 1994 double exposure

Ahh, to be young again…

Your humble photographer about to leave London, combined with an inadvertent double exposure of some gravel pit outside of Austin Tx. A scan of a 35mm print, circa 1994, when I was 24 going on 65.

view larger on black:

A Semblance of Peace

A Semblance of Peace, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

Still digging through my archives. Found this shot of an architectural detail I liked. I think the photo was taken on Wells Street because the next photo in sequence was of House of Glunz Wine Shop (Wells and Diversey).

All apologies to WB Yeats

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