Breakfast Drinks Selfportrait

Breakfast drinks self-portrait

Not really for breakfast, more of a brunch item. Self portrait only if you view the ‘large’ version. Also some buildings reflect in the glass. Lightly photoshopped, to add a little depth. Updated to via the magic of Illustrator and Photoshop

College of Office Technology


The College of Office Technology
The College of Office Technology
Sign up today! Exciting courses like:

•Stenography in today’s corporate environment

•How to change toners without getting your tie caught in the belts

•Photocopying: it’s not just for your butt

•How to avoid drinking the last cup of office coffee, and having to make a fresh pot…

•How to take home cartons of pens and reams of paper without arousing suspicion…

and many, many more! See a guidance counselor today!

(not all courses available in all sessions)


a quickr pickr post