Equifax to Pay Some Fines and Laugh All The Way To The Bank

Safe - Chicago Board of Trade

 The New York Times reports on the latest slap on the wrist regarding corporate malfeasance and indifference:

The credit bureau Equifax will pay at least $650 million … to end an array of state, federal and consumer claims over a 2017 data breach that exposed the sensitive information of more than 147 million people. The breach was one of the most potentially damaging in an ever-growing list of digital thefts.

The settlement, which was announced on Monday and still needs court approval, would be the largest ever paid by a company over a data breach. The deal requires Equifax to put a minimum of $380.5 million into a restitution fund for American consumers who file claims showing that they were financially harmed.

A portion of that money will pay for lawyers’ fees, but at least $300 million must go to victims, according to settlement documents filed in federal court in Atlanta. If the initial cash is depleted, the company will add up to $125 million more to settle consumers’ claims, bringing the total fund size to more than $500 million.

Equifax will pay an additional $175 million in fines to end investigations by 50 attorneys general. Forty-eight states — all except Indiana and Massachusetts, which separately filed their own lawsuits against Equifax — are part of the deal, along with the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico

(click here to continue reading Equifax to Pay at Least $650 Million in Largest Data-Breach Settlement Ever – The New York Times.)

So the government gets a ‘taste’, but individual consumers get spit in their eye. $300,000,000 to be distributed to a portion of 147,000,000 people who Equifax screwed. $2 each. Whooo hooo! Lawyers get plenty of money, average people, not so much.

The fine print is that you have to prove that Equifax harmed you by giving away your social security number, bank info, drivers license, date of birth and whatever else. 

You Wanted Some Privacy

Fortune reports:

Equifax will also pay $20,000 to consumers who can prove that they suffered “fraud, identity theft, or other misuse” because of the data breach. Equifax will also pay them $25 per hour for up to 20 hours of time they had spent trying to safeguard their data. Equifax will also reimburse them for out-of-pocket losses and up to 25% of the cost of Equifax credit or identity monitoring. Exactly how Equifax will require consumers verify their costs is unknown.


(click here to continue reading Equifax Settlement: How to Get the Money You’re Owed | Fortune.)

What are the odds that 10% of the consumers who lost their data due to Equifax’s negligence will be able to jump through the proper hoops and reclaim any cash? 

Grand Canyon Focus: The Practice of Full Devotion to a Single Task

Meagre Results for Lost Souls
Meagre Results for Lost Souls

My cousin Leo Babauta writes, in part:

Can you imagine giving something your full focus, so that it is like standing at the edge of the Grand Canyon? That is a devotion most of us very rarely give ourselves to.

(click here to continue reading Grand Canyon Focus: The Practice of Full Devotion to a Single Task : zen habits.)

I can easily imagine this kind of focus, what is hard for me is directing focus of my conscious brain at a specific banal topic. What more often happens is suddenly I emerge as from a trance, and realize I’ve spent hours on some topic or another I enjoy. I’ve been working on photos in my digital darkroom until 4 AM, or I’ve been been immersed in some history of the Carthaginian Empire, or I’ve been researching my distant ancestors. My issue is that while performing mundane tasks, like brushing my teeth, or working on my taxes, or washing clothes, or making a living, I get easily distracted, and my mind drifts.


Repairing Permissions 9-24-09

Repairing permissions for “B12”
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Repaired “Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls”.
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Repaired “Library/Application Support/Apple/ParentalControls/ALRHelperJobs”.
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Permissions repair complete

Grandpa Joe Murphy RIP

My aunt Shannon’s published obituary of my grandfather Joe Murphy, who died as I was en route to my other grandfather’s death bed1. Two deaths in one day, on opposite sides of the earth. Yikes. Grandpa Joe, being a Murphy2, won this particular race.

King and Queen of Guam walk on thin ice of modern life

[seen here on an Alaskan glacier]

Joseph Charles Murphy, born Feb. 23, 1927, in Appleton, Wisc., died at the age of 81 yesterday at his home in Yona, Guam. He had been ill for the past month with pneumonia, complicated by diabetes and heart disease.

He died in his sleep at his home above the Ylig Bay in Yona, just as he had wished.

He is survived by his wife, Marion Murphy, seven children, 25 grandchildren and 17 great grandchildren. His children are Colleen, Maureen, Shannon, Timothy, Erin, Megan and Joey. One daughter, Kerry, predeceases him. Many of his children live in Guam, while others live in Oregon, California and Texas. He was a father figure to many other youth who came into the Murphy household, one way or another.

Murphy grew up in a small town in Wisconsin, joining the Navy at age 17 during World War II. He met Marion when he was on home leave, as they were from the same town. They wrote to each other for a year, and then World War II was over and he went home to finish high school with her. They eloped on the night of their high school graduation and were married for 62 years.

He earned a degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and worked as a journalist ever since. Murphy worked as a reporter, editor and columnist in Wisconsin, Oregon and California before taking a job in Guam in 1965.

Murphy arrived on Guam Dec. 8, 1965, which is Our Lady of Kamalen Day, celebrated with a procession through Hagåtña. He always joked that at first he thought that procession was a welcoming parade just for him.

After relocating his large family here a few months later, he said he had found his place in the world, as everyone had large Catholic families, just like him.

Guam was good to him. At first he ran the then-Guam Daily News, owned at the time by Publisher Joe Flores, pretty much by himself. He covered local news and wrote editorials and the daily column “Pipe Dreams” and put together the national and international news seven days a week.

A businessman from Hawaii, Chin Ho, bought the paper in 1970 and then resold it to Gannett Inc. a year later. With a new, larger staff, Murphy became the editor, continuing to write his daily “Pipe Dreams” column and a daily editorial.

He documented the early days of tourism, watching Guam change from a sleepy military outpost with a population of about 60,000 to an international tourist destination with a population of 165,000 today. He loved to write about new development, the economy, innovative ideas and politics. In 1981, the Daily News gave him a year to travel around the Pacific and write about other islands.

He coined the phase “Only on Guam” as an occasional item in his column — poking fun at the idiosyncrasies that make Guam such an interesting and unique place in which to live. Those “items” were published into two books: “Guam is a Four Letter Word” and “Son of a Four Letter Word.”

Murphy loved adventure and took advantage of offers to try things and write about them. One Liberation Day, he parachuted from a helicopter on a bet, breaking his leg in the process. He went to the depths of the sea on a Navy submarine ride and rolled and dived with the Blue Angels and on the Christmas Drop to Micronesia. He also traveled by ship or on small planes to many islands in Micronesia for graduations and other news events.

Murphy retired as editor of the Pacific Daily News in 1988, but continued to write his column, which changed names from “Pipe Dreams” to “Murphy’s Law” after he quit smoking.

He and his wife, Marion, traveled the world. After raising their children, the Murphys went to China the first year it was open to Westerners, to Europe and Asia, traveling around the world at least twice. He loved to learn about history, geography, culture and politics, always looking for new ideas that might work on Guam, his beloved home, and shared those thoughts in his column in the Pacific Daily News.

He was a great believer in equality, pushing his daughters as well as his sons to find their passions and excel in life. He thought highly of island peoples as well. He and his wife passed their attitudes about islanders to their children, and they now have dozens of grandchildren and great grandchildren of Chamorro, Filipino, Palauan and Chuukese decent.

Murphy always kept a pen and paper with him to jot down notes for his column and wanted to write until the end. He left a legacy of writers, both among his own children, grandchildren and great grandchildren, and many others who were inspired by his words and actions to become journalists.

Shannon Murphy is a former editor of the Pacific Daily News and daughter of Joseph Murphy

[From Murphy documented Guam | guampdn.com | Pacific Daily News]

My plan is to go to Guam in March to visit and mourn and celebrate my grandmother’s 80th birthday, but have a minor issue with getting a passport still.

Guam 1971

  1. Grandpa George died later in the same evening, never regaining full consciousness, but we all said goodbye, and watched his last breaths [↩]
  2. the Murphy clan is famously competitive, everyone of us wants to come out first in any particular race or contest. For instance, putting together puzzles was always delayed, everyone hid one piece so they could put the last one in. One time I stuck a puzzle piece in my back pocket, and washed it! [↩]

Shoe Sine Up=In

Shoe Sine Up=In, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

an in joke between myself and Matthew Sharlot.

Because of this photo (taken at the Woolworth Building in Manhattan, I believe www.aviewoncities.com/nyc/woolworth.htm ), I named my first business venture Up=In Studios.

Scanned from a 3×5 print, circa 1995.

my love for quirky signs started about right then as well.

Seth circa 1995

Seth circa 1995, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

your humble narrator, from a print on Seattle Filmworks stock, circa June 1995.

I remember the jacket – a thrift store special which I wore a lot. Looks like we were in an airport, or other public space.

I’m assuming that Deanna Miesch took the photo using my camera.