You are going to travel somewhere far away

If the fortune cookie is correct, I’ll be pleased. Rapid City, South Dakota, here we come! 1

Cool, hope the cookie is right!

  1. possibly to take a brief working vacation to Rapid City in a few weeks, if all goes as planned []

White Washing

White Washing, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

Republished at GapersBlock today, whoo hoo.
( )
( or after today )

Workers painting R+D 659, on Randolph Street, West Loop
[view large on black: ]

Oceans of Motion

Oceans of Motion, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

something about this photo I like, but apparently nobody else does, including the ‘interesting’ filter at Flickr. This photo is among my 100 least “interesting” photos.

outside of SAM

[view large on black: ]

links for 2008-08-12 []

  • I feel *so* much safer now…"Recall that to indicate that I required extra screening, staff wrote in red Sharpie on my boarding pass. If I had simply printed off a second boarding pass at home, I could have presented that instead of the marked one, and gone through the metal detector as usual. In other words, passengers without ID can travel without undergoing any extra screening other than “identity verification.” A lawyer friend of mine commented that “if TSA marked ‘SSSS’ on a person’s hand rather than a piece if paper…the airport’s security would at least be as good as a bar’s.”"
  • Confusing Words is a collection of 3210 words that are troublesome to readers and writers. Words are grouped according to the way they are most often confused or misused.
    (tags: language)
  • "I'm one of the undeserving poor… Think of what that means to a man. It means he's up against middle class morality, all the time! If there's anything going, and I puts in for a bit of it, it's always the same story: "You're undeserving; so you can't have any." And yet my needs is as great as the most deserving widow's that ever got money out of six different charities in one week for the death of the same husband. I don't need less than a deserving man: I need more. I don't eat less hearty than he does; and I drink a lot more… I'm playing straight with you. I ain't pretending to be deserving. I'm undeserving; and I mean to go on being undeserving. I likes it."

Obama The Antichrist

Way to stay classy, John McCain. Get out the evangelicals’ vote any way possible, even by duplicitous means.

An Internet ad launched last week by the McCain presidential campaign has attracted more than one million hits by appearing to mock Barack Obama for presenting himself as a kind of prophetic figure.

The ad has also generated criticism from Democrats and religious scholars who see a hidden message linking Sen. Obama to the apocalyptic Biblical figure of the antichrist.

[From McCain Web Ad Is Accused Of Linking Obama to Antichrist –]


The End Times, a New Testament reference to the period surrounding the return of Christ, were popularized in recent years by the “Left Behind” series of books that sold more than 63 million copies. The Rev. Tim LaHaye, co-author of the series, said in an interview that he recognized allusions to his work in the ad but comparisons between Sen. Obama and the antichrist are incorrect.

“The antichrist isn’t going to be an American, so it can’t possibly be Obama. The Bible makes it clear he will be from an obscure place, like Romania,” the 82-year-old author said.

or like the Panama Canal…

The ad has provoked a growing debate on the Internet over whether it is playing with apocalyptic themes. Those ideas are chiefly shared by fundamentalist Protestants and some other evangelical Christians. Among their expectations: the ascension of a false prophet, a one-world government and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ.

Critiques of the ad started surfacing earlier this week when Eric Sapp, a Democratic operative, circulated the first of two memos pointing out images that he believed linked Sen. Obama to the antichrist.

“Short of 666, they used every single symbol of the antichrist in this ad,” said Mr. Sapp, who advises Democrats on reaching out to faith communities. “There are way too many things to just be coincidence.”

Dog whistle politics, in other words. Though, I doubt very much if conservative evangelicals were ever going to vote for Obama, no matter what.

In some swing states with concentrated pockets of fundamentalists and evangelical Christians, like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Colorado and Virginia, the ads could have particular impact. Suggestions that Sen. Obama is the antichrist have been circulating for months in Bible-study meetings in towns like Chillicothe, Ohio, where congregants compare his remarks and his biography with verses from the Bible.

Stewart Hoover, director of the Center for Media, Religion and Culture at the University of Colorado at Boulder, said the references to the antichrist in the McCain ad were “not all that subtle” for anyone familiar with “apocalyptic popular culture.” Some images in the ad very closely resemble the cover art and type font used in the latest “Left Behind” novel. The title of the ad, “The One,” also echoes the series; the antichrist figure in the books, Nicolae Carpathia, sets up “the One World Religion.”

links for 2008-08-09 []

links for 2008-08-04 []

links for 2008-08-03 []

  • Amy Chozick starts a thread:
    Is Obama too skinny to be president?
    15-Jul-08 06:04 pm
    Does anyone out there think Barack Obama is too thin to be president? Anyone having a hard time relating to him and his “no excess body fat”? Please let me know. Thanks!
    A reply is posted:
    Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president?
    15-Jul-08 10:21 pm
    Yes I think He is to skinny to be President.Hillary has a potbelly and chuckybutt I’d of Voted for Her.I won’t vote for any beanpole guy.
    Amy responds:
    Re: Is Obama too skinny to be president? 16-Jul-08 09:12 am
    Love your response and your username (onlinebeerbellygirl). Would you mind shooting me an email so I can ask you a few more quesitons? My email is [redacted] Thanks so much!

links for 2008-08-01 []

  • Microsoft has managed to prove that if you have a friendly expert on a controlled machine (with Vista pre-installed) showing a carefully selected subset of Vista features to an ignorant XP user for a few minutes, the XP user will often say he finds Vista acceptable. Wow.

    This so-called experiment of Microsoft’s is an insult to science, and to our intelligence. And I am dying to see the out-takes from their shoot. I mean, how many people do you suppose like being told, “Hey, this giant, unpopular monopolistic software company just made an ass out of you! Ha ha! Our leading scienticians just PROVED that you LOVE VISTA and WANT TO MARRY IT. You are TOTALLY GAY for Vista! Haaaaaaa HAAAAAAA!”

  • New page, yayy. And double yayy for longer notes field. The question will be whether my daily links post will accommodate the longer field. Probably, but I’m rambling on here to test the limits. Probably my main complaint with the delicious service was the short notes field – I use delicious as a blog post builder for posts that don’t quite merit a full entry, but that I still want to keep track of. I still have nearly 600 characters left, and I doubt I’ll use them all in any case. Thanks, Yahoo!