Strangely enough, my photo of a starbucks terrorist/barista was used.
Category: Uncategorized
Sometimes Darkness Is just a Dream
Traffic on LSD, from the North Avenue pedestrian bridge (old one)
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links for 2008-07-08
I fall into this habit sometimes: like a photo, but don’t take the time to say anything meaningful about it.
LA vs. Chicago, from a California-centric perspective
Kerry Eggers gets Frisked, deservedly. Why do so many old-school journalists evade facts when discussing blogs?
How to get noticed: headline is prime importance
since Basketbawful is borrowing this bit from the past
I’ve only seen a few episodes of Mad Men, but I have liked it. Prime candidate for Netflix, I believe (skipping the incessant AMC commercial breaks).
Peak metal? Yikes. Better buy that 80 inch flat panel soon
It Isn’t Worth it, Son!!
Actually they were just looking at their dropped fishing pole (I think).
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links for 2008-07-06
strange isn’t it? Childhood phrases repeated by others
“sit in quiet contemplation of the plain fact that our country over the past seven years has engaged in torture, indefinite detention without charges, rendition, and other unspeakable acts.”
links for 2008-07-02
awesome. Steve Nash, Baron Davis, Thierry Henry, at a charity soccer game in NYC. Would have loved to play in this, or failing that, watched.
Girl you know from the iconic photo of the napalmed baby running on the Saigon to Phnom Penh road in 1972 (note, the Seth in comments isn’t me)
“Of course, they still could jump in at any time, thanks to their ability to raise cash fast with a few huge checks.”
Separating Republican fools from their money is actually godz work, so kudos to these criminals.
Actually, and surprisingly, I follow this handbook pretty closely, without ever encountering it before. Most weblogs do, probably
my preferred wordpress theme didn’t include tags, but this instruction worked like a charm, and was simple.
Not many will mourn its passing, that’s for damn sure. Not me, not me, I hate the goddamn things.
links for 2008-07-01
The Olympics bores me pretty much anyway, but NBC is going to get a lot of bad press over this decision, I believe.
All ten of these (well, I’ve seen eight, and parts of one other) are ripe for remakes ’cause they mostly sucked.
Amen to that.
” latest round of mock outrage—in a presidential race that has turned the tactic into an art form”
Mediocre reviews, might Netflix it anyway.
Ahh, Sony, such a foot-in-mouth company
stupid Mac tricks are not just for kids
Ebert, in search of filmic redemption, and movies that make one cry. Ikiru still an all-time favorite.
links for 2008-06-30
Amusements for your morning pleasures
excellent overview of FISA as it stands today. Much shame on Obama for weaseling on this issue.
“This is probably more than 50% of the reason why I left San Francisco.” – Never felt that strongly about bread, but
links for 2008-06-29
Freepers are the brown-shirts of the 21st CE
“You can’t talk like that about Obama – he’s the nominee of your party, not some house boy you can order around.”
links for 2008-06-28
Buzz Bissinger still comes off as an old school dick, an asshole from the insular world of journalism-that-doesn’t-exist-anymore.
Too bad this isn’t a default configuration, but good to do in any case. My main problem with Firefox 2 was poor color display.
good tips for increasing viability and usefulness of site feeds, and other related topics (pinging, yadda yadda)
art is forever, hopefully.
worth paying attention to
links for 2008-06-27
ballet teacher Ed Parish, who I knew through my aunt and uncle (Megan and John), taught me a thing or two about cooking for some reason.
“Romanian senate passed a law requiring that half the reported news be happy, positive news… It’s the only country in the world where, by force of law, half the news has to be negative”
lots of objectional material in the 114 page bill
I might move to SF just to vote “Yes” on this, and contribute
links for 2008-06-26
If you know how to listen to rar files, there’s some good old vinyl records here
Thoughts on the new MoveOn “Alex” ad. I suppose I have to watch the ad now.
Feingold, Dodd planning filibuster of wiretap bill
Feingold and Dodd are doing the nations work here, the FISA bill is a travesty. Durbin will probably come on board, he’s reliably rational, and liberal, but Obama might vote “present” only, not willing to stand up for the constitution.
In a last-ditch attempt to fix a surveillance bill critics say would essentially legalize President Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program, Sens. Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Chris Dodd (D-CT) have promised to filibuster the bill as long as it offers telecommunications companies retroactive immunity.
“This is a deeply flawed bill, which does nothing more than offer retroactive immunity by another name. We strongly urge our colleagues to reject this so-called ‘compromise’ legislation and oppose any efforts to consider this bill in its current form. We will oppose efforts to end debate on this bill as long as it provides retroactive immunity for the telecommunications companies that may have participated in the President’s warrantless wiretapping program, and as long as it fails to protect the privacy of law-abiding Americans,” the senators said in a joint statement Tuesday.
“If the Senate does proceed to this legislation, our immediate response will be to offer an amendment that strips the retroactive immunity provision out of the bill. We hope our colleagues will join us in supporting Americans’ civil liberties by opposing retroactive immu
[From The Raw Story » Feingold, Dodd planning filibuster of wiretap bill]
You can read (or watch video) of Dodd’s impassioned remarks at his Senate web site
Dan Froomkin of the Washington Post online adds:
A senior Democratic statesman took to the Senate floor yesterday and delivered a jeremiad against President Bush and his lawlessness the likes of which I’m not sure we’ve ever heard there before.
What set off Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) was the warrantless surveillance bill sent over from the House this week and seemingly assured of passage in the Senate. The bill significantly broadens Bush’s spying powers and essentially guarantees civil-lawsuit immunity for the telecommunications companies that cooperated in earlier surveillance efforts.
But to Dodd, it’s just the latest indignity from a president who has come to expect a corrupted political system to jettison the rule of law on his say-so.
“Retroactive immunity is on the table today; but also at issue is the entire ideology that justifies it, the same ideology that defends torture and executive lawlessness,” Dodd said.
[From Dan Froomkin – One Senator Says ‘Enough’ – washingtonpost.com]
I can’t believe this stupid bill has gotten as far as it has. Whatever happened to rule of law?
links for 2008-06-25
Besides Bill Moyers, there isn’t a television (serious) news journalist I would swerve to avoid hitting. Tim Russert wasn’t interesting to me, all the rending of hair shirts after his unfortunate death got old quickly.
seems dumb to me, what’s the benefit? I rarely use the web access to create posts.
HBO is running a bunch of George Carlin specials. I’ll be watching ’em, even though have already seen most, it has been a while.
some DVDs
I’m amused by this letter (though some of the comments are fairly harsh, I don’t think they got the joke)
Obama is Plugged In to the Nation
This image has been here for months now, since before the primary season even.
for lack of a better title. Anyone know what this piece is called? and the artist?
On Jefferson and Jackson, or nearby.
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