couple of photos of mine used on this very cool Chicago-esque bar crawling project. A website like in the old days, looks hand-coded.
more good tequila stuff
I was going to make similar comments, but as usually is the case, Digby says it much better.
finished this book today, blog post later if I’m not too lazy
“Think Blackwater’s days are numbered? Think again. Jeremy Scahill explains why its slaughter of Iraqis has not stopped the notorious mercenary firm.”
Was a good finale, but saddened to know that the last few episodes, whenever they air, will be the last.
Brooklyn Bridge vs. Battlestar Galactica “Earth” ruins. Hmmmm. Maybe. Seems plausible, but maybe just as an iconic model of bridges, not specifically NYC.
Know some of this, but a good refresher
worth trying – see if it runs faster for you.
Category: Uncategorized
I’d Rather Be Rich After Than Before
another lyric stolen from Richard Thompson
winter doesn’t kill everything
[view large on black: www.b12partners.net/photoblog/index.php?showimage=65 ]
links for 2008-06-20
I thought the phrase was tax “avoision”
in certain moods, I love good tequila.
“Photo by swanksalot”
MagCloud enables you to publish your own magazines. All you have to do is upload a PDF and we’ll take care of the rest: printing, mailing, subscription management, and more.
“This is a listing of song lyrics of inspiration, for protest and for activist on topics including poverty, environmentalism, racism, police brutality, greed and even landlords!”
links for 2008-06-19
Next conference, I’m just sending Honoria to record it graphically.
“If you wish to honor the memory of SOLVE–and the outpouring of tributes has really been quite remarkable–the family of Brendan Scanlon asks that you support the art program at his old high school in Madison”
links for 2008-06-18
Good for Joe!
I’ve seen too few of these films
“The AP shook me down all night long.”
Kos taunts the AP, saying “I’ve got a JD and specialized in media law, so I know the rules pretty well”
links for 2008-06-17
Ass Press stories are links of last resort for me, they are usually so generically written. Won’t miss using them, if I can think of it.
“Drudge Retort asking it to remove seven items that contained quotations from A.P. articles ranging from 39 to 79 words.” Ass Press can bite me.
Corpoarate Media sucks, the Full Monty version for Scott McClellan
links for 2008-06-14
Sports vs. Indie Cred. The debate continues. I know when I cared more what people thought of me, I wouldn’t watch sports on principle, as if anyone gave a fuck.
Unexpected death
links for 2008-06-13
awesome – needed this script as was getting annoying opening Office 2008 files in Eudora
Just sad, really, that people watch Faux News
interesting and funny, a perfect combo
The local Korean supermarket (Super-H) has at least 50 varieties of Kimchi, but I didn’t have a camera on me at the time.
links for 2008-06-12
Attend Anger Management Classes often?
David Stern has a major headache on his hands. Conspiracy theories are extremely hard to disprove once they lodge in public consciousness.
how to artificially boost one’s site traffic – use terms on this page
More bullshit for a photographer: “It’s not the first case of illegal censorship by a department that says “shoot first, hand over film later”
I’m on record as approving the 50 State strategy. Here’s one more reason why
“Created anonymously by a group of professional animators in about 1929, the silent short Eveready Harton in Buried Treasure is a gleeful exploration of the penetrative arts.”
idiots, Congressmen, but I repeat myself
Will the Kings vs. Lakers Game 6 be yanked from NBA Classics? Too much speculation otherwise, I’m guessing. Plus too much YouTubery these days, better not to give source material.
Paul Pierce is a tough MoFo, no doubt. Knee injury was not faked, that’s not in character for him.
links for 2008-06-11
Curt Schilling’s observations on Game 2 of NBA finals reveals that Kobe is still playing 1 on 12. Can’t be fun to be a Laker, unless you tune him out.
“high-profile Boston University professor is prominently mentioned in the latest look at the phenomenon of “Obamacons” — well-known conservatives, many of them Republicans, who have publicly declared they will vote for Democrat Barack Obama.”
I hope Lieberman gets stripped of all committee assignments, soon.
This game made me sick, which is why the allegations are plausibly true
links for 2008-06-10
“assume Barack Obama does not have to worry very much about dominating the NBA vote. If 80 percent of southern Ohio was composed of professional basketball players, we would be out of Iraq by 2010.”
The end result would be DVRs that are unable to record some broadcasts.
SEO overview, which is a buzzword people are confused (sometimes) about.
a stupid name if you askme
I’ve never really learned much Applescript, but I use other’s scripts on a weekly/daily basis. I hope it isn’t dropped in support of Java.
links for 2008-06-09
Disgusting use of taxpayer money. The concept of a bullet train from downtown to the airports is good, but not this way.
links for 2008-06-08
Whoo hooo! Number 58!
links for 2008-06-05
mixed feelings.
“race is only part of the social equation. Class is the important one and one you see reflected again and again.”
fun info porn – a visual representation of what news topic is getting the most coverage
cool. I’m a couple days into a Greek mythology refresher, but didn’t know there were other options.
“What is it about Zhang Ke Jia that makes him the most exciting mainland Chinese filmmaker currently working”
links for 2008-06-04
lots of good stuff here, especially Orchestra Baobab. I plan on listening, even if I don’t get tix.
Sounds watchable. Seems to be out on DVD, so to the Netflix queue with ye
I’ve been here a couple time, even tried whitefish, once. Stick with lox.
A treatise/essay on notebooks, and journals. I am part of the tribe, for sure, even though most are in storage.
“Um…Applebees doesn’t have salad bars. If you’re going to use this as a vehicle to test someone’s folksiness, at least know what the hell you’re talking about. Okay, bud?”
What kind of headline is that? Come on, Yang has had his chain yanked enough.