I have some gently used gym shoes I want to donate to somebody, this seems like a good place to do so. Zip code search for nearest location
“a huge hit with Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, Jerry Garcia and Jim Morrison, who are, of course, all widely remembered for their love of synergistic marketing, product endorsements and co-branding opportunities”
No kidding. One of the great unsung tragedies of our modern age. As a lad in Ontario, the skies pulsed with stars on a clear night.
Cool. Glad I didn’t work in this lab (tedium is not enjoyable to me), but glad someone’s team did.
God-damn it, I hate the Christian Right with their constant whines about being persecuted. If they hate pluralistic America so much, why don’t they move to Liberia or somewhere on a different continent.
Category: Uncategorized
links for 2008-05-31
who’s crazy idea was this? Cheney? “The federal government is considering a proposal to allow visitors to carry loaded, concealed weapons in some national parks, wildlife refuges and monuments.”
links for 2008-05-30
“In the end, after weeks of pizza-eating, we decided on a favorite: Pizza D.O.C. ” Have to try that place out. I like thin crust better actually.
“urns out, the mug is gold and was made in the third or fourth century BC. It’s expected to sell at auction for nearly a million bucks. “
“Karl Rove’s ghastly halitosis which, in McClellan’s words, “inspired President Bush to reminisce about the Mexican prostitutes he frequented in his youth, speaking in a strained Spanish accent while dancing around Rove, snapping his fingers”
“Photo credit: “Alleys are life, embodied” by Flickr user swanksalot”
“(Photo courtesy of swanksalot)”
Ogged suggestion: 4 on 4. Hmmmm. I say just less hand-checking, and reduce the shot clock to 20 seconds. 4 on 4 would be interesting though.
installed pixelpost – so certain favorite images will be uploaded here (not Flickr, or at Flickr as well). Check it out. Anything uploaded here can be printed out at large size, just ask me.
links for 2008-05-29
Ecto has been sold. Sort of saw it coming, but still saddened. I don’t like Mars Edit as much as ecto. Life is change.
John Gruber pointed to this
unfortunately, this only seems to work if you sync with an iPhone. Would prefer if it worked with my blackberry as I use that more frequently.
I’ve faked signatures on a fax before, trivial to do in today’s age of scanners and such.