Sheep Mountain, The Badlands
possibly over-sharpened.
Sheep Mountain, The Badlands
possibly over-sharpened.
Sheep Mountain, The Badlands
The previous owner of this copy of "All Tomorrow’s Parties" must have owned a cat, because both of my cats constantly sniff the book, even months later.
If I recall correctly (this photo *is* from 2005, after all), I was extremely full of red wine when this shot was attempted. I mean, really, really full of red wine, walking home from some event at Grant Park.
from the Morton Arboretum
From the Economist. Not all ballots are in, but the trend lines are pretty damn clear.
I voted, and currently Obama has about 80% support in the US. I guess the Economist is too leftist for most of McCain’s supporters (those that understand computers, that is)
Lake Michigan
on the way to Upper Yurtistan
[backstory here: South Pocket
Land of Many Names ]
browsing 2007 archives
from the sidewalk outside.
The infamous nude portrait of Sarah Palin now hangs just to the left of the table dancer.
More details about the addition found here
A photograph of the actual painting is here, and a close up of Sarah Palin’s naked body ishere
and patron.
Famously now includes nude painting of Sarah Palin on the wall
Metaphorically, of course.
"It’s A Class War
And We’re Winning!"
I wonder if the Billionaires for Bush have any public events scheduled in the near future?
alchemy experiments in the park