Rapid City, South Dakota
Category: Uncategorized
Dewey Defeats Truman
Not the Chicago Tribune’s finest hour.
there are dozens (with more to come, presumedly) of statues of US Presidents on the street corners of Rapid City, South Dakota. All the sculptures are about 4 and a half to 5 feet tall, which is short for a President. Maybe they are from an alternative universe, a universe that involved munchkins from Oz
T Rex isn’t afraid of the puny sun
Rapid City, South Dakota at the Dinosaur Park
I really love how this photo exudes menace in a cartoony manner. View large for best effect.
Mind Detergent
Halsted and Lake, or nearby.
The fall of our footsteps ringeth too hollow through their streets.

The fall of our footsteps ringeth too hollow through their streets., originally uploaded by swanksalot.
Taken the evening before Millennium Park officially opened. This pond is about 2 cm deep, so you can walk right on top of the water if you have a heel on your shoe. Of course, plenty of people just take off their shoes altogether.
(circa 2004)
Formal and solemn revocation
All strung out on green mint tea. From the Lake St bridge
Don’t Bring Your Dog Shet to Town
actual quote reads:
Take your dog shet shit home don’t put it in my garbage can Mgr Bdl
Right-o. Damn, I miss living in an apartment building run by morons…
oh, sorry, run by Meagre Biddle.
Maureen Singing an Aria
while Marion holds on…
on board the Holland America boat, Amsterdam.
Las Vegas Showgirls
Seems like a bit of an odd cross-promotion
a no-hitter? At Wrigley? I bet the crowd was wild, wild I tell ya.
Promised and Yet Not Delivered
Hubbard Street, perhaps, or nearby.
Waiting for You is Lonely
West Loop, still figuring out my Tokina lens.
by Tuesday of next week, I might be able to squeeze in some more photography.
Ridged for your Climbing Pleasure
Sheep Mountain, Badlands National Park
[view large on black: www.b12partners.net/photoblog/index.php?showimage=125 ]
By the time I made it to this part of the park, the sun had climbed enough to make lighting harsher than I would have liked. Still impressive. View large for best detail.
Heading Up Country
Sheep Mountain road, Badlands National Park
I wish I could have lingered here, the sun was warm, not hot, the sky was clear, I couldn’t get cell phone coverage, and I hadn’t seen another human in hours. No noise of humans even, no power lines, nothing. Just animals, plants, and the light wind from the south east.
Such bliss. I kept stopping the car, and spinning around with my arms extended, filling my lungs with calm, fresh air. Couldn’t stop grinning.
Hawk, perhaps, but my bird-sighting skills are pale
any bird watchers out there who can identify exactly what this beautiful creature is?
Desolate Beauty with a Graduated Neutral Density Filter
B+W #502 filter, to be exact
I should have kept this filter on, but I was unfamiliar with using one. Oh well, next trip. Also need a filter for my AF-S Nikkor 18-200mm 1:35-5.6 lens which is a different size (72mm). Looks like I used that lens for these shots.