Daylight saving time Is Bad For You

Am I Boring You?
Am I Boring You?

I’m firmly in the camp of One Time per Time Zone Per Year. In other words, drop the whole Daylight Savings bullshit introduced by the Kaiser1 , and keep the time the same all damn year long. So what if it gets light later, or dark earlier. Most of us have electricity by now, and access to coffee, we can artificially create light, and wake our lazy asses out of bed when we need to. 

Aside from getting one less hour of sleep on Sunday and getting more light in the evening, daylight saving time doesn’t affect me, does it?

Actually, it may have a more averse effect than it seems. A study done by Dr Amneet Sandhu, a cardiology fellow at the University of Colorado in Denver, shows that on the Monday immediately after daylight saving time heart attacks increase by 25 per cent, Reuters reported.

On the Monday after daylight saving time ends, heart attacks fall by 21 per cent. Dr Sandhu said the loss of sleep is the likely culprit of the increase of heart attacks seen after the clocks move forward, so make sure you get plenty of sleep on Sunday.

(click here to continue reading Daylight saving time: Why moving the clock forward increases risk of heart attacks – Americas – World – The Independent.)

Time is out of Focus
Time is out of Focus

Accuracy is Overrated
Accuracy is Overrated

  1. Germany and Austria-Hungary organized the first implementation, starting on 30 April 1916. []

Confluence of Events

New Coil
New Coil

Saturday night our air conditioner failed. After a few sleepless nights filled with lots of tossing and turning and rearranging fans to create cross breezes, we got a new 4-ton A/C  with matching indoor cooling coil that accepts Puron aka R-410A1. Also our copper lineset between indoor and outdoor coils had to be replaced – or repaired, but easier to just replace. The furnace that the A/C is connected to is located about 6 feet from my office – where I’m sitting now – so the last few days have been disruptive.

Since the universe decided that cutting sheet metal in my ear was not enough of a distraction, our internet service went out on Tuesday, and is still wonky. We have resumed some connectivity as of last night, but we are connecting at near dialup speeds. I’m not kidding – I checked via a couple of those internet speed tests, and my desktop was reaching maximum 47kbps upload/download.  I’m old enough to remember 56kbps being a decent enough connecting speed, but that era ended long ago. These days connecting so slowly is torture. Especially when there was a spate of large system software updates, plus an Apple keynote video I wanted to watch.  

Anyway, there is apparently some problem with a pair bonded circuit. AT&T has come twice, as they provide service up to the basement of our building, and we’ve spent many hours on tech support with XO Communications.

Soon, I”ll be able to get back to my daily routine. I glanced at my email inbox, and there are over 200 emails in there waiting for me to glance at them, or godz forbid, respond to. 

On the bright side, our new air conditioner is running, and looks like just in time, per Tom Skilling’s forecast:

Weather forecast 2012 06 14 at 11 24 46 AM
Weather forecast 2012-06-14 at 11.24.46 AM.PNG

sigh, internet down again.

  1. the government-mandated replacement for freon []