converted to black and white. I think I like the color version better, but probably because I’ve seen it more times.
from my archives, naturally (1993 was a long, long time ago in the digital era)
converted to black and white. I think I like the color version better, but probably because I’ve seen it more times.
from my archives, naturally (1993 was a long, long time ago in the digital era)
Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone
Lens: John S
Film: BlacKeys B+W
Flash: Off
billboard for Extraordinary Measures looking at Marry Brogger’s Haymarket Riot Memorial statue
Some additional reading January 28th from 18:37 to 21:45:
Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone
Lens: John S
Film: Kodot Verichrome
Flash: Off
Damn time zones…
Robot clock from the super-cool Robot store, Robot City Workshop
my nightstand.
a Romanian Kosher salami, from Kaufman’s Deli
republished at The Consumerist
(though they rotated the photo)…
I’ve long admired the Reebie Storage Warehouse, even purchased some moving supplies from there back in the 1990s, even though I probably didn’t need to. I have taken dozens of photos of the place over the years, a few of which are Flickr-ized
I had a vague sense that the building was Egyptian Revival, but didn’t really glom onto the details until I discovered this blog post on the new BluePrint Chicago blog:
Egyptology was all the rage in the early 20th century, particularly after the discovery of Tutankhamen’s tomb in 1922. One effect this had was seen in the popularization of Egyptian Revival architecture across the United States. However, not all of the buildings were equals in terms of being historically accurate. Some buildings fit into the category of Egyptian Revival, and some Academic Egyptian Revival. Egyptian Revival architecture was much more common, and though it had many Egyptian-like elements, it lacked a sensibility to Egypt’s history. Instead they were “picturesque” – which is lovely, but not necessarily accurate. Academic Egyptian Revival architecture was historically accurate. And The Reebie Storage Warehouse is one the country’s finest examples of Academic Egyptian Revival architecture.
The warehouse was based on two ancient Egyptian temples: Dendera and Edfu, both of which date back to the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II (around 200 BCE). The columns on the Reebie building are replicas of columns at the Temple Horus at Edfu. The ornamentation on them is symbolic of the unity of Ancient Egypt through the depiction of the bundled lotus flower which represents Upper Egypt, and the water lily representing Lower Egypt. On either side of the building’s entrance is a statue of Ramses II, representing the two Reebie brothers: William and John. Beneath the two statues are William and John’s names written in the hieroglyphic equivalent of their phonetic spellings. Two other hieroglyphic inscriptions read “I have protection upon your furniture and all sealed things” and “I have guarded all your property every day warding off devouring flames, likewise robbery.” All of the ornamental drawings for the Reebie warehouse were reviewed for accuracy by both the Field Museum and Art Institute prior to their implementation.
[Click to continue reading Reebie Storage Warehouse « BLUEPRINT: Chicago]
[via The Chicago Reader]
West Loop
from my 2008 photo archives
Mostly used to harass my cats
Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone
Lens: John S
Film: Float
Flash: Laser Lemon Gel
So far, this is the best Mini RC helicopter I’ve found: ‘Air Hogs R/C Havoc Heli – Navy’
Rail and shadows in my house, early morning light.
from my 2005 photo archives
Detail of the Chicago Landmark, Reebie Storage Warehouse, Clark Street.
view bigger:
some history:
from 2009 photo archives
every time I open the refrigerator, Pippen comes running. Usually he just flops in front of the door, this time he leaped up into the meat and cheese drawer. Nut-ball.
Lots of fun smells I suppose.
faux-fisheye that is.
from my 2007 archives