It All Spoke Together – Triptych

I took this photo in the Cook County Forest Preserve somewhere in 2015, and processed it in my digital darkroom on October 22nd, 2021.

I like some aspect of all three versions, and instead of discarding 2 of the three, decided to publish all three as a sort of triptych. If and when I print them, I’d like to make a 3d triangle sculpture, and hang it on a thread so it can rotate.

These are the thumbnails, but the image is better when bigger, imo.1

It All Spoke Together - original

The original version of the photograph. I especially like the golden reflections of tree trunks in the pond. Also the faint reds of the leaves at the bottom right.

It All Spoke Together - tinted

The tinted version speaks a different emotional language, achieved by using cross-processing2 of Ektar film. Maybe I’d use this as my LP album cover, when I release that sometime in the future.

It All Spoke Together - mono

The black and white version, using Fuji Neopan 16003 is more stark, yet beautiful because of it. There aren’t quite enough visual clues to ascertain exactly what this is a photo of until the viewer studies it for a moment.

  • 35.0 mm f/1.8
  • ƒ/3.5
  • shutter speed 1/50
  • ISO 100

  1. Click it to see a slightly larger version at Flickr []
  2. in emulation []
  3. in emulation, of course []

Passing Goldstar (Explored)

A recent photograph made it into Flickr’s Explore (double click to embiggen).

Passing Goldstar

About the photograph: I was standing near Gold Star on Division St., admiring how afternoon light illuminated this long time resident of Wicker Park, waiting for the first person to enter my shot. However, when I entered my digital darkroom, I noticed the women was partially blurred. Often converting to black and white hides these flaws, I used a Tri-X 400 emulation filter (from Alien Skin), but then was sad about losing the golden hour light. I stopped working on the photo, however in the morning when I woke up, I had a new idea. I could use Photoshop to merge some of the color back in to the photo.

I processed the image again from the original Camera RAW file, using the same settings, except, obviously leaving the afternoon sunlight. With both images open, I used the Clone Stamp tool in Photoshop, and with my mouse, dragged over areas that looked like they needed color.

I started with just the neon Goldstar sign, then added the more of the building, then the doorway, then as a last touch, the woman’s feet and the shadow on the sidewalk. I’m not 100% certain if I like that, but I think so. I also could have re-colorized her purse, but it had reds and blues in addition to the golden palette of the rest of the image, so I left it black and white.

I goofed, slightly, when initially using the Clone Stamp tool by not exactly lining up the origin, but this gives the color aspects a subtle three dimensional look, so I left it as it ended up.

All in all, I’m happy with how this image turned out.

All That Shines Is Not Truth was uploaded to Flickr

River West, Chicago

embiggen by clicking

I took All That Shines Is Not Truth on October 06, 2010 at 07:10PM

and processed it in my digital darkroom on July 14, 2015 at 10:27PM

Even This Breath Will Expire was uploaded to Flickr

Accidental self portrait in a mirror

embiggen by clicking

I took Even This Breath Will Expire on December 22, 2014 at 02:38PM

and processed it in my digital darkroom on December 22, 2014 at 11:39PM

Not Expressed By Light Alone was uploaded to Flickr

West Loop sunset

embiggen by clicking

I took Not Expressed By Light Alone on January 11, 2012 at 05:54PM

and processed it in my digital darkroom on August 20, 2014 at 06:47PM

Needed Somewhere To Go was uploaded to Flickr

jogger, underpass, W. Randolph St.

Solarized in Photoshop

embiggen by clicking

I took Needed Somewhere To Go on June 20, 2014 at 01:11PM

and processed it in my digital darkroom on June 20, 2014 at 09:15PM

Dreaming of The Funeral of Amenhotep was uploaded to Flickr

Street art, Wicker Park somewhere, or maybe W. Chicago Avenue. Actual title and artist unknown.

embiggen by clicking

I took Dreaming of The Funeral of Amenhotep on September 09, 2011 at 02:13PM

and processed it in my digital darkroom on June 13, 2014 at 08:38PM

You Did Not Count the Time was uploaded to Flickr

Toned in Photoshop with a red filter.

As seen from inside DIRTT (behind a glass window) during the most recent Chicago Architecture Tour Open House (2013)

embiggen by clicking

I took You Did Not Count the Time on October 20, 2013 at 03:00PM

and processed it in my digital darkroom on January 06, 2014 at 03:52PM

Laid Your Hand On Me

Laid Your Hand On Me
Laid Your Hand On Me

I took two photos in rapid sequence (7267 and 7269)1, using the same tripod, same camera (Nikon D7000), same lens (18-200mm f/3.5-5.6), same ISO (125), one photo with 1/40 sec / f 5.6 to capture the moon, the second one at 1.3 seconds / f 5.6 to capture the buildings and clouds. I then merged the two into one image. The second photo with a slow exposure had the moon as a white blur, and if I did this again on a similarly cloudy night, I would copy a larger piece of the night sky to block more of the moon haze.

Not to be pretentious, but I try to make photographic-based art, sometimes successfully. Photoshop is my digital darkroom, as I say all the time; I often tweak the raw image to conform with my intent, changing color, changing contrast, cropping, and so on. Tools are tools. I don’t consider this image trickery.

double click to embiggen

  1. 7268 was also a photo of the moon, but using 1/60 sec []

Marble Arch

Marble Arch

This is Marble Arch

Marble Arch is a white Carrara-marble monument at the junction of Oxford Street, Park Lane, and Edgware Road, almost directly opposite Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park in London, England. The arch is on a large traffic island, which also includes a very small park, in the midst of swirling traffic. The traffic island is directly across from the Marble Arch tube station.

The name “Marble Arch” also refers to the locality in west London where the arch is situated, particularly, the southern portion of Edgware Road. Historically, only members of the royal family and the King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery, have been allowed to pass through the arch in ceremonial procession.

Lightbox version

32 Bit Photoshop

“Adobe Photoshop CS5 Upgrade [Mac]” (Adobe)

Photoshop CS5 runs natively in 64 bit, which means it is much faster finishing a lot of tasks, at least in my limited tests. However, some of my plugins no longer work. I clicked the “Open in 32-bit mode” toggle, and relaunched Photoshop, and AlienSkin’s Exposure 2.0 and my Epson Expression V500 scanner both appeared as options.

In order to see this checkbox, find Photoshop CS5 in your Applications folder, select the icon, click “Command I” (File/Get Info), and click the “Open in 32-bit mode” toggle button.

Slightly cumbersome to quit and relaunch Photoshop every time I want to scan something, but it will have to do for now. AlienSkin is updating their plugin, and it should be ready in a month or so, as they explain.

Photoshop CS5 Compatibility

Now that the Photoshop CS5 excitement is at a fever pitch everyone wants to know whether our products are compatible with it. The short answer is yes, the current versions of all our products work with Photoshop CS5. However, you need to run CS5 in 32-bit mode for all of our Mac products and some Windows products. Also, the floating panels we have released with some of our recent products will probably not work in CS5. Below is the plan for making all of our products fully compatible with the 64-bit version of CS5.

Exposure 3 and Bokeh 2 are almost done and will be 64-bit on both platforms. Exposure 3 will ship in June

(click to continue reading Photoshop CS5 Compatibility.)

Reading Around on August 17th through August 18th

A few interesting links collected August 17th through August 18th:

  • Poaching Suspects Charged – Yosemiter – Criminal complaints against Kyle Narasky and brothers Chad and Chris Gierlich were signed on Wednesday, August 5th, charging them with multiple counts of poaching, violations of the Lacey Act, aiding and abetting the commission of a crime, and many Title 36 CFR violations. The signing of these complaints marked the culmination of a year-long investigation which entailed the issuance of multiple search warrants and close cooperation between wardens from the California Department of Fish and Game, rangers from the Tuolumne Meadows Subdistrict and special agents from across the Pacific West Region. Over the past four years, the Gierlichs and Narasky have poached multiple trophy-sized deer from inside Yosemite National Park. State charges are also pending.
  • camping utensils.jpg
  • When Airplane Stewardesses Were All Glamour and Sex Appeal – Gizmodo 79 – Gizmodo – “1979 I flew to Sweden in SAS, and I still can remember the blondes in the pretty uniforms, their eyes, and their smiles. Which means I noticed (maybe too much, given my passion for the Sweden, Norway, and Denmark—although I blame Lego for that one). Those affable, efficient women hosted the Golden Age of aeronautics, being professional, attentive, sympathetic, and yes, absolutely sexy”
  • 344289163_971fdc78ed_o.jpg
  • Adobe – Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Macintosh : Camera Raw 5.2 update – *With the release of Camera Raw 5.2 (and upcoming release of Adobe Photoshop Lightroom® 2.2), there is an important exception in DNG file handling for the Panasonic DMC-LX3, Panasonic DMC-FX150, Panasonic DMC-FZ28, Panasonic DMC-G1, and Leica D-LUX 4. For those who choose to convert these native, proprietary files to the DNG file format, a linear DNG format is the only conversion option available at this time. A linear DNG file has gone through a demosaic process that converts a single mosaic layer of red, green, and blue channel information into three distinct layers, one for each channel. The resulting linear DNG file is approximately three times the size of a mosaic DNG file or the original proprietary file format.

    This exception is a temporary solution to help ensure that Panasonic’s and Leica’s intended image rendering from their proprietary raw file format is applied to an image when converted DNG files are viewed in third-party software titles.