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I took Become Someone Better on October 19, 2013 at 08:46AM
and processed it in my digital darkroom on April 04, 2018 at 02:19AM
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I took Become Someone Better on October 19, 2013 at 08:46AM
and processed it in my digital darkroom on April 04, 2018 at 02:19AM
We haven’t eaten at Aroma on Randolph for many years1 because I thought the place was kind of gross. The food wasn’t fresh, and the entire restaurant looked unclean, unkept, unswept, you name it. Apparently, my instinct was correct, the City of Chicago agrees that Aroma is gross.
Aroma on Randolph, 941 W. Randolph, was shut down after inspectors found dozens of cockroaches in the kitchen, particularly in the drip pan of a stove.
The restaurant also was cited for raw sewage backing up from a floor drain in the basement kitchen, no hand washing sink in the basement kitchen, a non-functioning hand washing sink in the kitchen on the main floor, no soap or hand towels at any sink on the premises, employees laying their shoes and clothing on top of plates and utensils, houseflies and fruit flies in the kitchen, and a poorly maintained outside garbage area (grease on top of and on the ground around the grease box).
CDPH inspectors also cited Aroma on Randolph for two violations of the Chicago Clean Indoor Air Ordinance. Inspectors found two dozen dirty ashtrays hidden behind the bar. The second citation was issued because management had failed to post “No Smoking” signs as required by law.
The Aroma on Randolph web site states, “Our restaurant has a smoking area…”.
Smoking is prohibited in all restaurants in the city, as well as in the rest of the state.
Today’s inspection was triggered by a customer who contacted CDPH via the City of Chicago web site to allege that she had found a cockroach in her food.
[From City of Chicago – Near West Side Restaurant Shut Down by City Health Department]
I’d be surprised if they manage to emerge from this violation: that’s pretty harsh. Also the first violation of “No-Smoking” I’ve ever heard since the ordinance was passed.
see this screenshot from their website:
An office worker taking a quick smoke break outside of Abn Amro/LaSalle Bank building.
I need to learn how to make cigarette smoke “pop” better, would make this photo better, methinks.
[view large on black here: www.b12partners.net/photoblog/index.php?showimage=34 ]