Some further reading from September 28 2012

Numberless Reflections
Numberless Reflections

I guess I’ll have to go back to making Delicous posts by themselves since Twitter deprecated one useful-to-me API as I mentioned yesterday. A long time ago, there was a way to merge a day’s worth of Delicious links together and make a post. I’ll see if I can figure out how to resurrect that feature. 

  • “Mick Jagger, Keith Richards and Charlie Watts — decided to unwind by taking a short break in Fiji.”
  • “WaPo ombud endorses reader complaints that Wapo is too liberal; wants truth-tellers balanced. Vile.”  (via @froomkin)
  • Ahh, not just me, but Hipstamatic doesn’t play nice with new phone
  • “Catholic Bishop of Springfield, Illinois: Voting for Obama Jeopardizes the Eternal Salvation of Your Own Soul”  strip non-profit status of Church! Non-profits are, by law, supposed to be non-partisan.
  • Bill Moyers: ALEC ‘is still everywhere’ 
  • “Russia bans import of genetically modified corn” Possibly. Still looking for confirmation of this catchy headline…
  • “Living Landmark: How Cultural Historian Tim Samuelson Became an Encyclopedia of Chicago” 
  • “online grocer Peapod is expanding its virtual supermarkets to 17 CTA and Metra stations ” 
  • TV News Covered Paul Ryan’s Workout 3x More Than Record Arctic Sea Ice Loss- Media Matters for America 
  • New book details NSA’s warrantless wiretapping program, as the govt moves to avoid accountability in court  (via @EFF)
  • “City Winery-How much longer are we supposed to wait for this New York import to get its act together? “ 
  • The Polarizing Political Paradox Redux « MADE IN AMERICA  

Delicious Twitter Feedburner IFTTT problems again

Defunct Tweets
Defunct Tweets

For a long time, I had worked out a good system, using Delicious, Twitter, Feedburner and IFTTT. I found interesting articles or phrases in my daily internet life, tweeted them, and these URLs would be automatically fed into my Delicious account, and this in turn would seed entries into my daily blog email post1. Thus my blog’s hunger stayed fed, and I didn’t have to go to the trouble of creating an entire post around a few sentences. However, Twitter, in its drive to become less useful, has disallowed this kind of interaction by changing its APIs. Twitter wants to force every user interaction to occur on its own webpage, presumedly so they can sell advertising “eyeballs” – viewers – but this means a lot of the cool stuff that Twitter could be used for no longer are viable. At least that is my understanding of what happened between yesterday and today.

I’ll see what I can do to replace this lack of grist for my web grinding mill, but it is irritating. Anyone have any suggestions? Email me, or leave a comment.

Here is what should have been included in this morning’s blog email2:

  • “Mother Cabrini Shrine Reopening; Le Corbusier in Color; More!”
  • “Ross Douthat’s schtick at The Atlantic: repeating Redstate talking points, minus the obscenity and grammatical errors”
  • “Todd Akin compared the recent debate performance of Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill to that of a “wildcat,”
  • “In 1960, about 5% of Americans expressed a negative reaction to political intermarriage; in 2010, about 40% did ”
  • “Pro-life asshole vows to fight “to his dying breath” for rights of unborn” C’mon Canada, you are better than this
  • Opium Museum 
  • “How Collecting Opium Antiques Turned Me Into an Opium Addict”
  • “Romney mentioned that it would routinely take up to eight years to turn around a firm” but US govt easier?
  • Why Ryan is worse for Romney than “47 percent”
  • Brad DeLong: I Do Not Understand Why This Is Not Tax Fraud… Good ole DoubleClick
  • Your Body’s Best Time for Everything

And actually, I’m being a little lazy in my cut/paste job here, as these links would also have included the full, original title of the URL, which is sometimes descriptive as well. For instance, the second link about Ross Douthat would have also spelled out “And If Only The Vietnamese Had Worn Bright Red Coats And Formed Infantry Squares”. You get the idea.

Anyway, thanks for messing up my workflow Twitter…

  1. and in the sidebar over there to the right if you visit the actual blog page [↩]
  2. along with whatever photos I uploaded to Flickr, and if I had written an actual blog post like the one you are reading [↩]

Links for Feb 19 2012 Recipes, Menus, Cooking Articles & Food Guides []

“Absinthe Sazerac Recipe at”

Rick Santorum Thinks Satan Has Taken Over America []

“Rick Santorum Thinks Satan Has Taken Over America” only if Santorum wins, which he won’t

Climate Change Leading the Cause « Foster Friess []

“Climate Change Leading the Cause-Foster Friess” would make sense to me that Friess is “Anonymous Donor” for Heartland

Scientists confirm Alan Turing’s 60-year-old theory for why tigers have stripes []

Scientists confirm Alan Turing’s 60-year-old theory for why tigers have stripes

Gapers Block: Slowdown – February 25, 2012 []

2/25/12 -Afro-Beats! @ Harris Theater for Music and Dance

Watching Groucho’s Jokes That Were TOO HOT For 1950s TV! | Splitsider []

Watching Groucho’s Jokes That Were TOO HOT For 1950s TV!

Why Chicago News Cooperative is flying the coop – Time Out Chicago []

Why Chicago News Cooperative is flying the coop Seems about right

The Secret City of Vivian Maier | Mother Jones []

The Secret City of Vivian Maier

Midday News Links: Rosemont Theatre Gets A New Name: Chicagoist []

Midday News Links: Rosemont Theatre Gets A New Name with my photo

Links for February 18 – 2012

The Macalope Weekly: Can’t we all get along? | Macworld []

Oooh, a slap fight between serial jerk Michael Arrington and serial has-been Dan Lyons?

Chicago Past []

Chicago, 1893 square (photo) #fb

Santorum Excommunicates 45 Million Christians: Mainline Protestants Are ‘Gone From The World Of Christianity’ | ThinkProgress []

Rick Santorum, a devout Catholic, warned about the dangers of “the NBA” and “rock concerts,” said that while …

Giving a good photo critique | Pixiq []

Giving a good photo critique

How To Deliver A Useful Photo Critique []

1. Make Sure The Photographer WANTS A Critique – most important of all!

The Devoted Intellect []

“I wrote like a script editor for The Simpsons who’d briefly joined a religious cult and then discovered Foucault.”

The Beards – You Should Consider Having Sex With a Bearded Man (Film Clip) – YouTube []

Wow, just wow. I laughed RT @elizabethriley: This takes beard love to the next level:

How cutting government benefits apply to hard workers – []

Many recipients of government benefits have, shall we say, an elastic idea of what constitutes a “government benefit.”

Billionaire Romney donor uses threats to silence critics – []

Billionaire Romney donor, Frank VanderSloot, CEO of Melaleuca uses threats to silence critics

Farewell to The Kid – The Triangle Blog – Grantland []

Farewell to The Kid

Links for February 17 – 2012

Does Absinthe Make the Heart Grow Fonder? – Speakeasy – WSJ []

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 10:15 PM PST

Does Absinthe Make the Heart Grow Fonder?

Google Circumvents Safari Privacy Protections – This is Why We Need Do Not Track | Electronic Frontier Foundation []

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 09:15 PM PST

Google Circumvents Safari Privacy Protections – This is Why We Need Do Not Track

Swanksalot’s Tumblr and Solipsism []

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 08:29 PM PST

Photo: Of the Moneygall O’Bamas… (via Your new lucky t-shirt — Blog — Barack Obama)

NARP: National Association of Railroad Passengers []

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 08:14 PM PST

President Obama Continues Commitment to Passenger Trains in 2013 Budget Request Good

Daily Kos: Energy Chairman Fred Upton’s dogging of White House over Solyndra may be about to bite him []

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 06:17 PM PST

Energy Chairman Fred Upton’s dogging of White House over Solyndra may be about to bite him

Redistribution and the Healthcare Law: Take from the Red and Give to the Blue – The Demos Blog – PolicyShop []

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 05:16 PM PST

Redistribution and the Healthcare Law: Take from the Red and Give to the Blue

New York Times seems to fall from Apple’s favor | TUAW – The Unofficial Apple Weblog []

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 05:16 PM PST

someone else noticed: “New York Times seems to fall from Apple’s favor”

An open letter to the worst human being to ever sit in a theater – []

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 04:59 PM PST

An open letter to the worst human being to ever sit in a theater

Stephen Colbert taking care of ailing mother, may return to ‘Colbert Report’ Monday  – NY Daily News []

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 04:59 PM PST

““Colbert Report abruptly suspends production and I fall into a deep depression. Related?” “Good Wife” Josh Charles”

Virginia Republicans require women seeking abortions to be raped first | Backup Brain []

Posted: 17 Feb 2012 04:59 PM PST

“Virginia Republicans require women seeking abortions to be raped first”

Embedding Tweets


Defunct Tweets
Defunct Tweets

Umm, yay?

Let’s try the short code version:


Tweets from 1969-12-30

Testing a couple of twitter digest options, this is several days worth of tweets, but the Twitter Digest WordPress plugin published them all. Not sure where the title of this post comes from either, seems a bit incorrect…

LoudTwitter is Defunct

For a while, I used a free service called LoudTwitter to post a days worth of my Twitter musings onto my Blogspot blog early every morning. I found this quite useful, especially because I tend to use Twitter mostly as a repository for interesting tidbits and news articles which may never actually end up being blogged. And because, quite honestly, my short term memory is for shit. Having an automatically generated page that I could browse looking for a particular link was something I used many times.

Defunct Tweets


Since LoudTwitter is no more, I wonder if there is a comparable plugin for WordPress or even Google’s Blogspot? I actually preferred that LoudTwitter posted to my step-child Blogspot blog, which doesn’t get much attention, other than to post a Flickr photo now and again.

Reading Around on August 14th

Some additional reading August 14th from 12:05 to 12:45:

William Blake:


  • Think You Can Rip Someone’s Image From the Internet and Use it For Free? Think Again, You Just May End Up Sued and Lose | Thomas Hawk Digital Connection – “It was interesting to hear yesterday from photographer Christopher Boffoli who has done a lot of freelance work lately for the West Seattle Blog. Boffoli wrote me and told me about a situation where a Seattle based Realtor, Laura Miller with Catalyst Commercial Partners, used an unauthorized photo of his for a real estate listing (photo above) of hers and ended up having to pay him a $1,000 small claims court judgment over it.

    I’ll let Boffoli tell part of the story”

  • Change of Subject: Getting aboard a health plan — it’s time to throw a lifeline to 60 million Americans – “they’re fine with the idea of providing coverage to everyone. But only if it costs them nothing and leaves them with all the advantages, priorities and prerogatives they currently enjoy. In other words, the old “I’d haul you up, but you might swamp my rowboat” argument.

    Others tell me they view access to quality health care as something they’ve earned — either by working hard or being related to someone who works hard. And if others want it, let them earn it too — the old, “Go build your own rowboat, you slacker!” argument.

    Still others say that those without coverage can always fall back on the patchwork of public hospitals, charity and Medicaid — the old “You don’t need a rowboat. Driftwood will do” argument.

    Obviously, though, too many swimmers are drowning:”

  • Krugman- Republican Death Trip –
  • – “President Obama is now facing the same kind of opposition that President Bill Clinton had to deal with: an enraged right that denies the legitimacy of his presidency, that eagerly seizes on every wild rumor manufactured by the right-wing media complex.”
  • Court extends Tribune Co. control of Chapter 11 case — – “A bankruptcy judge said Tribune Co. can keep control of its Chapter 11 case for three-and-a-half more months as it looks to sell off some assets, including the Chicago Cubs, in its bid to exit bankruptcy protection.

    Judge Kevin J. Carey of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Del., on Monday gave the publisher of the Chicago Tribune an extension to Nov. 30 to file its reorganization plan to emerge from bankruptcy and to repay creditors. He also set a March 15, 2010, deadline for the media giant to win creditor support for a plan.”

  • delicious blog » Sharing Made Easier: Email and Tweet Your Bookmarks – “If you use Twitter and want to send bookmarks to your Twitter feed, associate a Twitter account (only a single Twitter account can be associated at one time) by logging into Twitter under the Twitter panel. You have the option to send all your saved bookmarks to Twitter by selecting the “Tweet all bookmarks unless private” checkbox when you add the Twitter account. If you’ve selected this option, your Twitter account will appear by default in the Send field.”
  • Juan_Gris
  • Juan Gris

Reading Around on August 10th through August 11th

A few interesting links collected August 10th through August 11th:

  • Which Tweets Matter ? – icerocket has added a Twitter search function, and allows a searcher to save more than the 10 searches that Twitter restricts a searcher to.
  • art-gop-fascism-poster.jpg
  • Nearly Getting Arrested in Downtown Atlanta – “I had a run-in with the law this evening while I was with my friends Scott Kublin and Rick Shearer. Just next door to the Olympic Park is the aquarium and the Coke Museum with a big field in between. There were about a fifty people or so there at the park. I set up my tripod to take a photo of downtown and the Coke Museum was in the middle of the shot. A female cop of came over and told me I had to take down the tripod because I looked like a professional. Coke does not allow that, so she said. I said I’m a blogger with expensive toys and hardly a threat. Then she got quite huffy and agitated before telling me if I did not take down the tripod that I would be arrested.”
  • Condi_greece2.jpg
  • Let’s talk about tasers – “Tasers are routinely used by police to torture innocent people who have not broken any law and whose only crime is being disrespectful toward their authority or failing to understand their “orders.” There is ample evidence that police often take no more than 30 seconds to talk to citizens before employing the taser, they use them while people are already handcuffed and thus present no danger, and are used often against the mentally ill and handicapped. It is becoming a barbaric tool of authoritarian, social control.”

You Should Sign Up for the B12 Daily Email

Taking a cue from Kottke1, I am reminding you that you should sign up for my daily email. Signing up should only take a minute or less if you are a fast typer, I absolutely promise to never send you unsolicited email2. Feedburner/Google has enabled the email to include items that don’t necessarily make it to my weblog, but that I still think are interesting, or are otherwise topics of note. Like news stories that I Digg, YouTube video I “favorite, Flickr photos I upload, etc.

Plus you should subscribe to my daily email3 so that you have something fun to read as you drink your morning beverage. A dose of B12’s Solipsism can only enhance your day!

Hotel Visitor

Oh, and you should follow me on Twitter too, if you are so inclined. I have other social media accounts, but I don’t care if you friend me on Facebook, or subscribe to my Tumblr blog, for instance.

  1. I hope Jason Kottke doesn’t mind being referred to by simply his last name, I’ve been reading his weblog for so long now, to me he is the blogosphere equivalent of single-named celebrities like Bono or Nenê [↩]
  2. unless you want me to, of course. Ahem [↩]
  3. usually gets released around 1 AM CST [↩]

Reading Around on June 15th

Some additional reading June 15th from 18:15 to 19:26:

  • Iran’s Disputed Election – The Big Picture – – re Iran’s Presidential Election, Tehran and other cities have seen the largest street protests and rioting since the 1979 Iranian Revolution. Supporters of reform candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi, upset at their announced loss and suspicions of voter fraud, took to the streets both peacefully and, in some cases, violently to vent their frustrations. Iranian security forces and hardline volunteer militia members responded with force and arrests, attempting to stamp out the protests – meanwhile, thousands of Iranians who were happy with the election outcome staged their own victory demonstrations. Mousavi himself has been encouraging peaceful demonstrations, and called for calm at a large demonstration today (held in defiance of an official ban), as Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has just called for an official inquiry into accusations of election irregularities. (Update: several photos of injuries from gunshots at today’s rally added below)
  • The Fiery Judge | Mother Jones – comparing the substance and tone of her questions with those of his male colleagues and his own questions.

    “And I must say I found no difference at all. So I concluded that all that was going on was that there were some male lawyers who couldn’t stand being questioned toughly by a woman,” Calabresi says. “It was sexism in its most obvious form.”

    And what if such criticism came from a woman lawyer? Well, says Calabresi, women can be just as sexist as men in their expectations of how a woman judge should act.

    NPR played a couple of snippets of Sotomayor in its piece so listeners could judge for themselves. Ann did: “Listening to the clips, Sotomayor sounds an awful lot like John Roberts — who did not face any concerns about his ‘fiery temperament’ during his confirmation hearings. Totenberg exposes this talking point for what it is: straight-up sexism, with some racism mixed in for good measure.”

  • Daily Kos: Obama: Iranian people “should be heard and respected” – “What I would say to those people who put so much hope and energy and optimism into the political process, I would say to them that the world is watching and inspired by their participation, regardless of what the ultimate outcome of the election was. And they should know that the world is watching.And particularly to the youth of Iran, I want them to know that we in the United States do not want to make any decisions for the Iranians, but we do believe that the Iranian people and their voices should be heard and respected.”
  • Twitter Blog: Down Time Rescheduled – A critical network upgrade must be performed to ensure continued operation of Twitter. In coordination with Twitter, our network host had planned this upgrade for tonight. However, our network partners at NTT America recognize the role Twitter is currently playing as an important communication tool in Iran
  • Competition For Dummies by digby Just think. This… – “Sadly, this is the result of misguided American exceptionalism (and years of convenient Republican gibberish.) Even people who by all rights should be well informed about the issues of the day just simply can’t wrap their minds around the fact that our health care system is not only bad by our own measurements but that it is far worse than the systems in other industrialized countries. Foreigners cannot possibly have better health care than America. This is the greatest country the world has ever known or ever will know! It’s impossible!

    Except it’s true.”

Reading Around on May 6th through May 7th

A few interesting links collected May 6th through May 7th:

  • Knee-Jerk Contrarian Game – – “Kenny G., for instance. His rythmic session is much more regular, whereas Coltrane’s session seems sometimes to loose the beat.


    Umm, for one, “lose the beat” instead of “loose the beat”. And for second, bhwah-ha-ha-ha, Kenny G!!

  • MenuPages Blog :: Chicago: The Green City Market Is Open! Celebrate at Bonsoiree – “The Green City Market opens for outdoor business today! ”

    photo by me

  • BLDGBLOG: How the Other Half Writes: In Defense of Twitter – “Again, I fail to see any clear distinction between someone’s boring Twitter feed – considered only semi-literate and very much bad – and someone else’s equally boring, paper-based diary – considered both pro-humanist and unquestionably good.
    Kafka would have had a Twitter feed! And so would have Hemingway, and so would have Virgil, and so would have Sappho. It’s a tool for writing. Heraclitus would have had a f***ing Twitter feed.”