Waiting for a Perfect Moment

Waiting for a Perfect Moment
Waiting for a Perfect Moment, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

in front of the St. Patrick’s church, no less


I actually flubbed this photo a bit, at least from my perspective. I’m more used to using my 18-200mm lens for “street photography” than the 50mm lens I used this particular day. I think the focus was slightly off, so I used the Alien Skin Exposure 2 filter, with Kodak 25 (sharper) settings. This particular filter emulates using Kodak slide film, and subtlety sharpens the edges. In this case, the image came out pretty good, but I wish I had taken a better shot to work with. If you look at the larger view, you’ll see what I mean (maybe).

Also, the light pole “frames” are intentional. I had given myself an assignment on this particular photo-stroll; look for images that are framed by natural elements. In this case, the street lights.

In the future, I’m going to assign myself other tasks based on looking at photos I like. I’m thinking – negative space, abstractions, etc. The trick is adding a bit of theory on top of my photographic instincts. I’ve been taking photographs long enough that my eye is an extension of my camera, the goal is to challenge myself into pressing the shutter sometimes despite my finely honed instinct (which is not always correct, of course). Does that make sense?

Haymarket Pub and Brewing to open in West Loop

Excellent news reported by Chuck Sudo of the Chicagoist: a delightful pub within stumbling distance of me

extra virgin

Construction is currently underway on Haymarket Pub and Brewing, in the former Bar Louie space at 741 W. Randolph. The project is a partnership between Pete Crowley, senior brewer at Rock Bottom Chicago, and his friend John Neurauter. We’d been hearing rumblings for weeks about Haymarket and Crowley, who’s also president of the Illinois Craft Brewers Guild, was more than happy to fill us in on some of the details.

Crowley said that Haymarket will focus on “classic Belgian and contemporary American ales and lagers paired with hand made sausages, pulled pork, pizza and rotisserie chicken.” There are plans for an outdoor beer garden, full bar, dining area with pool tables and games. About 600 square feet downstairs will be allocated for a barrel room for aging and blending. The centerpiece of the pub will be a walk through kitchen and brewery that leads to a “drinking and writing” theater

[From More Brewing In Town: Haymarket Pub and Brewing – Chicagoist]

Bar Louie West Loop

Let’s hope it has better luck than the several previous occupants of this location (at least five businesses that I can think of have cycled through in the last decade)

Reading Around on February 7th through February 17th

A few interesting links collected February 7th through February 17th:

Family Planning protest w 50 foot Giant Virgin Mary

I only had a 70 mm zoom lens when I shot this, so this is a little hard to see, but it looks like a giant Virgin Mary statue is being set up to glare across the street at the family planning clinic on 659 W Washington. By the looks of the police barricades, I’d say a bevy of protesters is going to greet any woman unlucky enough to have an appointment today. I’d go over and get a closer shot, but I’d probably get into a fist fight with the fundies. Birth control is apparently their next target, btw.

As ChicagoSage suggested in comments, we should build a 30 foot Flying Spaghetti Monster with noodley appendages next to this statue.

Fumare Meats – Metra Market

Fumare Meats - Metra Market
Fumare Meats – Metra Market, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

Finally made it over to the long-awaited Metra Market. Favorable impression, we’ll be returning

Dick McCracken left banking to pursue his love of good food and sharing his culinary finds with others. Fumare (‘smoke’ in Italian) brings traditionally cured and smoked meats from local producers to Chicago French Market. Items include locally made prosciutto, hams, smoked sausages, bacons and other delights. Menu highlights include an old-fashioned, Montreal-style smoked meat (think pastrami) cured and naturally smoked, peppered and slow-cooked to a well-marbled tenderness.

am actually pretty hungry right now, wish the French Metra Market was open

Harrison Ford at the Haymarket

Harrison Ford at the Haymarket
Harrison Ford at the Haymarket, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone
Lens: John S
Film: BlacKeys B+W
Flash: Off


billboard for Extraordinary Measures looking at Marry Brogger’s Haymarket Riot Memorial statue

Evening rush hour hipstamaticly

Evening rush hour hipstamaticly
Evening rush hour hipstamaticly, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone
Lens: John S
Film: Kodot Verichrome
Flash: Off


there’s a new iPhone phone app called Hipstamatic that’s sweeping through the Flickr community. Sort of a quirky application, but fun nonetheless. I’ve already snapped dozens of shots in a few hours worth of use. Doesn’t seem like it saves high resolution versions though, which is a flaw, imho.

Another way to pretend our fancy smartphones are toy cameras or Holgas.

Kinzie Bridge in the Rain

Kinzie Bridge in the Rain
Kinzie Bridge in the Rain, originally uploaded by swanksalot.

North Branch of the Chicago River

View On Black

from last Yom Kippur1, if I’m not mistaken. I smooth-talked us into celebrating in nature instead of wasting time in a shul2

Ooops, my mistake, taken on Rosh Hashanah3 instead.

  1. יוֹם כִּפּוּר []
  2. אסנוגה []
  3. ראש השנה []